On to Mérida!
América's 1st Legalization Summit
February 12-15, Mérida, México
Founder of Authentic Journalism Renaissance Hosts Mérida Summit By Mario Menéndez Rodríguez interviewed by The Week Online
January 11, 2003
Former Attorney General of Argentina is Coming to the Mérida Summit By Dr. Jaime Malamud-Goti interviewed by The Week Online
January 11, 2003
Our Newest Faculty Member at the School of Authentic Journalism, coming to Mérida
January 12, 2003
But did all the media bigshots at the CPJ dinner listen to - or report - what Ignacio Gómez said? By Lucy Komisar The American Reporter
December 3, 2002
Your reporting team
for the Mérida Summit
Authentic Journalism's Next Generation By Al Giordano
December 2, 2002
Read Our November Interview
with Nina Pacari, Ecuador's
New Secretary of State
Photo: D.R. 2002 by Linsey McGoey, Narco News
Part II: The “Minga” for Life, with Miguel Lluco and Nina Pacari By Luis A Gómez - reporting from Ecuador
November 22, 2002
Part III of a Series By Luis A. Gómez - reporting from Ecuador
November 23, 2002
Phil Gunson and Eric Ekvall Are Upset with Narco News By Al Giordano With Unabridged Letters from Phil Gunson and Eric Ekvall
December 23, 2002
Chronology of the Strike that Wasn’t By Al Giordano
December 22, 2002
The soft drink of Atlanta and the coca leaf of the Andes
By Luis A. Gómez Narco News Andean Bureau Chief
December 20, 2002
IndyMedia Interviews Al Giordano on Venezuela, the Media, and Anarchism By Nessie San Francisco IndyMedia
December 20, 2002
On Desk Reporters Who “Phone-in” the Spin By Dan Feder Special to the Narco News Bulletin
December 18, 2002
Historic OAS debate turns América right-side-up again By Al Giordano
December 17, 2002
Bush Withdraws “Elections” Demand; “Strike” is Over By Al Giordano and correspondents
December 16, 2002
Read Between the Lines: The Coup is Falling Apart By Al Giordano
December 13, 2002
Add your signature in favor of Authentic Democracy By U.S. Reps Kucinich, Conyers, Serrano, Frank... U.S. Congress and Civil Society
December 13, 2002
Same sources... same lack of disclosure...
NY Times and LA Times run identical stories on Venezuelan “strike” By Dan Feder Narco News Associate Publisher
December 12, 2002
Venezuelan Majority Takes to the Streets, Coup Plotters Hide By Al Giordano A Narco News Breaking News Editorial
December 10, 2002
Venezuela Changes the Terms of the Global Debate By Maximilien Arvelaiz Professor, Narco News School of Authentic Journalism
December 10, 2002
Peaceful Demonstrations that Frighten the Corrupt and Powerful By Alex Main Special to the Narco News Bulletin
December 10, 2002
What Our Students Are Saying By Al Giordano
December 2, 2002
…And How Venezuela Can Defeat Them Legally By Heinz Dieterich Steffan Rebelion.org
December 8, 2002
Gunmen in Venezuela Tried to Provoke a Crisis After "Strike" Failed By Thierry Deronne, Maximilien Arvelaiz, and Paul Emile-Dupret
December 7, 2002
Colombian Rebels vs. Uribe's "Total War" By the FARC General Command A Communique from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
December 6, 2002
Anti-Strike Multitudes Flood Open Market to Defend Democracy By Al Giordano A Narco News Press Briefing
December 2, 2002
Reflections from Bogotá, Colombia By Laura del Castillo Matamoros Scholarship recipient at the Narco News School of Authentic Journalism
December 1, 2002
President-elect Lucio Gutiérrez
Photo: D.R. 2002 by Linsey McGoey, Narco News
The Colonel of the People, President-Elect By Luis A. Gómez - Narco News Andean Bureau Chief
November 24, 2002
Part IV in a Series By Luis A. Gómez - reporting from Ecuador
November 24, 2002
Another Coup Foiled in Venezuela
“I was fooled when they told me that they sought a democratic solution and what had really been intended was a secret pact between (union boss) Carlos Ortega and (ex-General) Medina Gómez that a general strike… would try to generate disorder, violence and death so that the Armed Forces could take political control of the country. For that, they have accumulated weapons below Plaza Altamira and the Four Seasons Hotel…”
– Army Captain Pedro Sánchez Bolívar, minutes ago, breaking from the “dissident” ex-military commanders in Caracas
Listen to the audio recording of the press conference
The "Take-Over" of Caracas Police HQ Was Necessary By Alex Main - reporting from Caracas, Venezuela
November 20, 2002
Part I: From the Ashes By Luis Gómez - reporting from Ecuador
November 19, 2002
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