Invitation to form Operative Groups YoSoy#132
#YoSoy132 is against Enrique Peña Nieto, seeks the democratization of the mass media, and behaves as a peaceful movement
By Grupos Operativos (GOs)
#YoSoy132 Mexico
June 15, 2012
What is an Operative Group (GO, in its Spanish initials)
A GO is a collective of members of #YoSoy132 that is formed, temporarily or permanently, to design and implement actions autonomously in coherence with the principle guidelines and consensuses of the movement.
What kinds of things do GOs do?
#YoSoy132 already has at least three undisputable agreements: It is against Enrique Peña Nieto because of what he represents, it seeks the democratization of the mass media, and it behaves as a peaceful movement. The GOs act inside of that framework – and adapt to new consensuses as they occur – to implement concrete actions, for example: to establish community radio stations, screen documentaries about the history of the PRI party, conduct performances in the metro, investigate the laws that regulate the media in Mexico and compare them with those in other countries of the world, design and distribute pamphlets that promote an informed vote, lead training sessions in digital skills, train other members of the movement in the use of specialized software, document and broadcast the actions of the movement on the Internet, critique information in the press, etcetera.
Who can belong to a GO?
Absolutely any person who identifies with the guidelines of the #YoSoy132 movement.
What role to the GOs have inside the political and ideological dynamics of the movement?
None at all. The GOs are not groups that seek political representation in the assemblies, nor in coordinating bodies, nor do they participate in the creation of ideological lines for #YoSoy132. They only design and implement actions within the guidelines of the movement. The members of GOs continue recognizing the assemblies as the legitimate spaces to participate in the political dynamics of #YoSoy132 and as such participate in them as individuals.
Are the GOs a sign of rupture or division in the movement?
Not in any way. The Gos are only a way to associate and empower the members of the movement so that they can seek and implement concrete actions inside the framework of the movement’s ideas.
What can the GOs do?
1) They are able to act with speed based on agreements already made; 2) They foment that the members of #YoSoy132, regardless of what school they attend or if they are students, get to know each other by working together; 3) They generate practical experience that strengthens the movement; 4) They allow members no matter how small their involvement to participate and contribute to direct actions of the movement; 5) They allow the members to construct effective action units that can survive the movement in the case that it is dismantled; 6) They promote trust among individuals, their mutual defense and their capacity for coordinated joint action.
How are GOs organized?
Each one of them establishes autonomously its rules (number of members, decision making, duration, etcetera), goals and methods. They form a network of mutual support through periodic informational meetings during which each GO explains what it is doing, its problems, and the ways that others can help it. The GOs do not ask permission to organize and act because they are already working within the agreements of the movement and the way to make them better at what they do is not to criticize them in assemblies but, rather, to join them and contribute to their work.
How do I form or join a Go? Or, if I am already in a group with these characteristics, how do we join the network?
Attend the first Operative Groups Meeting on Monday, June 18 in the north garden of the Central Library of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) – alongside the Philosophy and Literature School – either as an individual or in representation of a group. This meeting will have only two points of order on this day: 1) The introduction by organizers and, 2) The dynamic of formation of Operative Groups beginning with the ideas of the attendees and their preferences. Beginning then, each week, in the same place and time, there will be a meeting that has the goal of forming new groups, building bridges of communication and collaboration and add more individuals into the dynamic. If you have any questions write to
Why the name “GO”?
Go is an ancient table game whose goal is to capture territory on a game board through the strategic position of solitary chips. It is a fertile metaphor for decentralized organizational models and that’s why we have borrowed the name.
(Translated by Narco News.)
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