<i>"The Name of Our Country is América" - Simon Bolivar</i> The Narco News Bulletin<br><small>Reporting on the War on Drugs and Democracy from Latin America
 English | Español August 15, 2018 | Issue #67

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Al Giordano

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A Struggle In Which You’ll Never Be Alone Again

The School will redefine your ideas about journalism

By Jonny Mendoza
School of Authentic Journalism 2016

March 15, 2017

I came across last year’s call for applications by sheer coincidence. The truth is I had no idea of the opportunity which lay before me. I was at a period of my life in which I really doubted the work I was doing.

I was afraid to send my application because I didn’t feel “good” enough in the area I was working on. Imagine a communicator who knows everything and nothing! It was a challenge to listen to the idea that the school represents: Authentic Journalism. But there was something that drove me to do it, a streak of courage lit inside me. My conscience was telling me: Try!

When I was accepted, I was stunned. I was very happy and worried at the same time. I thought I would find so many talented people, I’d feel insignificant. But the way you meet people at that school was so curious and reassuring. From its very first moment they erase all your fear, they embrace you, and of course, they were all the opposite of what I expected; they fill you with experience, purpose, truth and brotherhood; they make you feel part of a constant struggle in which you’ll never be alone again.

Jonny Mendoza during the 2016 School of Authentic Journalism

The School of Authentic Journalism is not like any course or workshop you can take; it’s an experience that will nurture your very being in many ways. The concept of journalism will be forever redefined. You’ll meet people from all over the world with different views and ways of dealing with the issues every journalist has to face. You’ll learn from the talents of each of the people involved in the project, and not only their working skills, but their human qualities. You’ll put yourself in others’ shoes to understand their context, their daily life, and you’ll understand why there are so many people out there struggling for a better world through the distribution of truthful information. And what is more important, you’ll rediscover yourself. I can assure you that you’ll find an alternate path to the one you thought you were supposed to follow. The best thing is that what I’m writing to you is just a small part of all that you can live in this place.

Projects such as this should remain active and grow. There are a lot of brilliant minds out there that deserve to live this experience. People who surely have a story to tell about a day by day struggle for the truth, a struggle that might change your perspective on what you are going through.

Be a part of this adventure, there are many ways to do so. As soon as the announcement is out, apply. Don’t be afraid, you’ll be surprised. Share this text to tell the world what they’re missing. Make a donation and join the Kickstarter campaign, because your contribution is very important for all of us who have lived this experience and trust me, we want more authentic journalists around the globe. We want this great family to grow.

Pledge to the school’s Kickstarter campaign here.

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The Narco News Bulletin: Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America