Marcos Ends Silence: "To The National and International Press"
The Zapatistas Are Back, and Moving the Carpet Under Immediate History
By Subcomandante Marcos
Translated by The Narco News Bulletin
August 6, 2003
Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional
20 de julio de 2003
To the national and international press:
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Don’t be lazy. I know that y’all missed me and y’all missed my bad jokes. But suffer no more: I’m here again. And, given, that I suppose y’all are bored with the tragic-comedy of national political life, I’ll reassume my frisky and giggling style that has been, before, the delight of young and old.
I know how your editing bosses have become disconcerted. And it’s understandable: One doesn’t know where to put the articles about Gordillo and the “new PRI,” the “self-suicide” of Digna Ochoa, the distresses of Blair, the “self-suicide” of Kelly (it seems like this is an epidemic) and the sharing of the spoils that signify the positions of the “legislative leaders.” Where has the news gone? To the police blotter? The social pages? The comics? In the end, it’s not easy to find it. That’s why, in a supreme act of magnanimity, I’ll send you some “leaks,” but please don’t reveal the source because later they might take me out, British style. No, on second thought, say it. Let’s go.
One: The Zapatistas send a message to Luis Ernesto Derbez, Secretary of Foreign Releations, that his statements about ‘relaunching’ Plan Puebla-Panama could only mean tossing it into the abyss, because in rebel territories this plan will not be allowed. That is to say, the ‘big Zapatistas’ count with the means and the necessary organization to impede the completion of said plan. This is not a threat, but a prophesy.”
Two: The General Command of the EZLN has sent a message to the paramilitary bands that infest Chiapas. The message says, more or less in these words: ‘According to Talión’s Law it’s an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,’ but we’re holding a sale and we offer, ‘two eyes for each eye and an entire jaw for each tooth,’ so tell us if you like that.
Three: That the famous (in the mountains of the Mexican Southeast) and slippery (on the dial) “Radio Insurgente: The Voice of the EZLN” will soon begin its operations via short-wave, in its intergalactic emission. The Sup will have a special one hour musical program and will broadcast, as the law states, very late into the morning hours. No, the Sup will not sing, but will present musical numbers accompanied by tales and stories. The program “Durito DJ” remains to be seen, because the beetle is putting on his ribbons and won’t sign a contract (he wants a program of 24 hours, daily).
Four: That it would be good if national and international Civil Society doesn’t make any commitments for the 8, 9, and 10 of August. We don’t know why.
From the mountains of Southeast Mexico,

México, julio del 2003.
Go to next communiqué
Read All the Recent Zapatista Communiqués and analysis of them:
Marcos Ends Silence: “To The National and International Press”
Prologue: Zapatistas Serve Warning to the Paramilitaries
I. “Dawn in the Mountains of the Mexican Southeast”
II. Marcos to NGOs: Zapatistas Don’t Want Charity, but Respect
III. Old Antonio’s History of the Upholder of the Sky
IV. A Zapatista Plan for Reality
V. Education and Health in Autonomous Lands
VI. In Chiapas, Zapatistas Refine Democracy from Below
VII: Details on Zapatista Gathering, August 8-10, in Oventik
The Specter of Indigenous Mexico
Mexico’s “New Democracy” Has Not Yet Been Born
Zapatistas, Post-Mexican Elections, Make Their Move
Lea Ud. el Artículo en Español
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