de Irregularidades en la campaña hacia 2 de julio 2000
18.Tabasco y el Estado
de México aún no suspenden la publicidad gubernamental
D.F.- Los gobiernos priístas de Tabasco y el Estado de
México todavía no suspenden la publicidad gubernamental
que por ley debieron haber detenido desde el lunes.
Por lo que respecta
a los gobiernos estatales que encabezan el Partido de la Revolución
Democrática y el Partido Acción Nacional, cinco
de ellos ya han respondido a la convocatoria del Instituto Federal
Electoral de suspender la publicidad gubernamental 30 días
antes de la elección.
Los estados
que informaron que suspenderán su publicidad son Querétaro,
Aguascalientes, Nuevo León, Baja California y Baja California
Por su parte,
los estados de Jalisco y Guanajuato condicionaron su respuesta
a lo que hagan otras entidades al respecto.
ya su publicidad el Distrito Federal, Tlaxcala y Zacatecas, en
tanto que Nayarit no ha respondido aún.
A su vez, la
Presidencia de la República no había respondido
hasta el lunes a la solicitud de suspender la publicidad y contribuir
con ello a una mayor equidad en la competencia electoral.
Fuente: Notimex,
12 junio 2000
17. Documentan
26 casos de uso del erario con fines electorales, la mayoría
por parte del PRI
Veracruz, Ver.-
La comisión de la Cámara de Diputados federal encargada
de vigilar que no se desvíen recursos públicos
con fines electorales ha documentado hasta el momento 26 denuncias
por utilización del erario con dichos propósitos,
informó el diputado federal y miembro de esa comisión
Armando Aguirre Hervis, y agregó que la mayoría
de las demandas son contra funcionarios priístas.
Los estados
en donde se han reportado más anomalías, aseveró
el legislador perredista, son Puebla, Chiapas, Tabasco, Veracruz
y Yucatán, entidades gobernadas por el PRI.
Fuente: Notimex,
12 junio 2000
16. Preven Fraude Cibernético
el 2 de julio
electorales universitarios denunciaron ante el Parlamento de
Derechos Humanos, que el Centro de Cómputo de la Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) ''será
utilizado para practicar fraude electoral cibernético
en las elecciones del 2 de julio'', y con tal fin, ''se hacen
preparativos para que nuevamente sea ocupada militarmente la
Ciudad Universitaria, por lo que serán desalojados los
estudiantes y maestros, y ya sin testigos, introducir fraudulentamente
votos al sistema del Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE)''.
Fuente: La Jornada,
May 28, 2000
15. Zedillo
Visit Prompts Questions of Fujimori-style Electoral Fraud
Zedillo's complacency over OAS's stonewalling reaction to Fujimori
vote-rigging suggests that his party may be persuaded to resort
to comparable techniques in the upcoming July 2 presidential
Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo's visit to the United States,
whose real purpose, if not stated intentionally, is to inspire
support and legitimacy for his PRI and its candidate, Francisco
Labastida, occurs against a backdrop of the just concluded OAS's
30th general assembly meeting in Windsor, Canada
Implicit Support
of Fujimori could be a Source of Inspiration for Mexican Elections
Source: Center
On Hemispheric Affairs, June 9, 2000
14. En Chiapas, docenas
de irregularidades priístas
Tuxtla Gutiérrez,
Chis.- Encabezada por el gobernador Roberto Albores, la maquinaria
oficial está en marcha para que en Chiapas gane Francisco
Labastida Ochoa. Y para esto no se escatiman recursos ni se guardan
las apariencias. Por ello, las denuncias de irregularidades se
cuentan por docenas. La Comisión Especial de la Cámara
de Diputados encargada de vigilar que no se desvíen recursos
públicos federales en el proceso electoral, ha documentado
en Chiapas el uso de Progresa, Procampo, Empleo Temporal, Alianza
para el Campo, Liconsa y Subsidio a la Tortilla, para tratar
de condicionar el voto a favor del PRI.
Fuente: Julio
César López e Isaín Mandujano. revista Proceso,
18 junio 2000
13. Crecientes dudas sobre
el proceso electoral, y el IFE se deslinda
Conforme se
acerca el 2 de julio, las dudas sobre la calidad del proceso
electoral se multiplican.
Proliferan denuncias
de compra y coacción del voto, irregularidades en la designación
de funcionarios de casilla, iniquidad de las campañas
en los medios de comunicación, desvío de recursos
públicos con fines electorales... A tal punto ha crecido
la preocupación, que Alianza Cívica (AC) solicitó
el miércoles 7, en una carta enviada al Consejo General
del Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE), "respuestas claras
con relación a los problemas identificados a lo largo
del proceso electoral", pero hasta el viernes 16 no había
tenido contestación oficial....
Fuente: Guillermo
Correa y Álvaro Delgado, revista Proceso, 18 junio 2000
12. Demasiados Boletos
en Taxco
Mientras dirigentes perredistas en Estados Unidos se quejan por
la falta de boletas electorales -en las casillas especiales que
se instalarán en la frontera para que voten los mexicanos
residentes en ese país-, el líder estatal del PRD,
René Lobato Ramírez, denunció que en el
distrito dos, con cabecera en el vecino municipio de Taxco, existen
graves irregularidades como el excedente de boletas.
que "nos parece muy extraño que haya llegado esa
cantidad sobrante de boletas y los integrantes del órgano
electoral no hayan decidido su cancelación o la devolución
de las mismas; no podemos ir a esta elección con la amenaza
de 12 mil 37 boletas que están almacenadas en algún
lugar y por ahí pudieran surgir a la hora irregularidades
Fuente: El Universal,
19 junio 2000
11. Recursos Públicos
y Presiones en Guerrero
El ex priísta y ex secretario general de Gobierno en Guerrero,
Florencio Salazar Adame, (coordinador de PAN) afirmó que
en la entidad existe una "grosera manipulación de
recursos públicos" para presionar a la gente y que
vote por el PRI...
que es una campaña "infructuosa, porque lo que están
haciendo es que se pierda la pulcritud en el proceso electoral,
que haya una grosera manipulación de recursos públicos
para presionar por un voto que el pueblo ya no le quiere dar
al PRI..."
Fuente: El Universal,
19 junio 2000
10. Documento del PRI
revela operativo de acarreo
El operativo
para ganar las elecciones sin el voto libre ha comenzado en el
PRI. Indicador Político tuvo acceso a una parte de ese
operativo para las elecciones presidenciales y legislativas en
el estado de México, aunque, confirmaron algunas fuentes,
es el mismo que estará en marcha en todo el país:
-- Los objetivos
de la operación electoral serán: "asegurar
la presencia de nuestros representantes ante la mesa directiva
en cada casilla, en las secciones electorales que incluyen en
esta estrategia.
-- "Una vez que ya se cuenta con la identificación
de secciones y casillas que presentan las características
propias de rentabilidad electoral a nuestro favor y aprovechando
que en estos tiempos se está llevando a cabo la validación
de la estructura electoral , se seleccionará a un representante
de cada una de estas casillas que cumpla con el perfil adecuado
para estas tareas".
-- El representante
de casilla por el PRI formará parte de este programa especial
como operador de casilla . Tendrá capacitación
especial para estas actividades.
domingo antes del día de la jornada... se invitará
a los 50 votantes comprometidos a un domicilio cercano a donde
se instalará la casilla". Se les agradecerá
a las personas su asistencia "y se obsequiarán utilitarios
y propaganda " (ya ilegal para esas fechas) para que ellos
también se conviertan en promotores con sus vecinos,
--" el
día 2 de julio a las 7:00 horas... se les ofrecerá
un pequeño refrigerio para trasladarse antes de las 8:00
horas a la casilla a emitir su voto".
-- "Una
vez concluido este paso, retomará su posición como
representante de casilla".
-- El día
del simulacro, el domingo 25 de junio, se les proporcionará
250 pesos para gastos de refrigerio del 2 de julio y se les entregarán
los utilitarios para los 50 votantes comprometidos que asistan
a la casilla. Una vez comprobada la operatividad del programa
con el registro de votos por el PRI, se les apoyará con
750 pesos restantes.
-- el 15 de
junio se les dará mil 500 pesos a cada uno para sus labores
de campo. El 1 de julio se les entregará mil pesos para
operar el 2 de julio. Después de las elecciones se les
asignará 500 pesos extra.
-- La cuenta
para una célula de operación electoral a nivel
municipal en el estado de México da el total de 1 millón
301 mil pesos.
-- "Habrá
reclamos de algunos presidentes de sección por considerar
que no se incluyeron en este programa y que se puedan comprometer
a llevarlo a cabo, por lo que con el remanente de un millón
y medio de pesos se cubrirá lo adicional".
De acuerdo con
la información entregada a Indicador Político ,
las secciones a operar en "el programa uno por 50 "
están localizadas en los distritos locales mexiquenses
XVII, XXII, XXIX y XXX, aunque como modelo de aplicación
similar en muchos otros del país.
Fuente: Indicador
Político, 19 junio 2000
9. Denuncian en Puebla
desvío de fondos a favor del PRI
Alianza por México presentó diez denuncias ante
la delegación de la Procuraduría General de la
República en esta entidad, por los delitos de desvío
de recursos públicos.
...las denuncias
se señalan a dependencias como Liconsa y la Secretaría
de Desarrollo Social, así como algunos ayuntamientos con
autoridades Priista
que en los próximos días las denuncias podrían
sumar 150, pues se presume que Puebla es el quinto estado del
país con más casos de desvíos de recursos
hacía el partido oficial.
Fuente: La Jornada
de Oriente, 16 junio 2000
8. Ex-comisionado de elecciones
Ortiz Pinchetti advierte del fraude
El PRI y el
presidente Zedillo no deberían sorprenderse por la resistencia
de los opositores y de gran parte del pueblo a creer en la transparencia
Las operaciones
de compra y coacción del voto, la presión sobre
los funcionarios y empleados públicos para que voten por
el PRI, el desvío de recursos, las maniobras para provocar
temores en la población, se están multiplicando.
Los medios electrónicos,
que habían mostrado cierta apertura al iniciar el proceso,
tienen una posición cada vez más tendenciosa a
favor del PRI y de sus candidatos. En estas condiciones la pretensión
de voceros oficiales y escritores oficialistas de que los resultados
tendrán que ser acatados sin discusión por los
opositores es levemente mal intencionada.
La inclusión
en el equipo electoral de Labastida de personajes vinculados
con los fraudes electorales resulta amenazante. Lo es también
la negativa del PRI de permitir una investigación a fondo
sobre la estructura financiera de la campaña de Labastida
a pesar de que el PAN y Fox habían aceptado un escrutinio
semejante de sus propios recursos...
Fuente: La Jornada,
columna de José Agustín Ortiz Pinchetti, 18 junio
7. Mexico's PRI-aligned
teachers' union to deploy 25,000 election observers
-- A move by Mexico's teachers' union to register 25,000 of its
members as electoral observers for the upcoming presidential
election drew a complaint Friday by a civil rights group, on
the grounds that the union openly backs the ruling party candidate.
The complaint
came as international observers reported electoral irregularities
ahead of the July 2 vote, mainly by the ruling Institutional
Revolutionary Party (PRI).
The National Union of Education Employees (SNTE)... openly supports
PRI presidential candidate Francisco Labastida, an ex-interior
minister and former state governor of Sinaloa.
"We are
concerned over the presence of the teachers as a coercion factor,"
said Hugo Almada of the Civic Alliance group, which is itself
monitoring the vote independently.
"It is
likely (the teachers) will talk to voters and even might exercise
some kind of pressure," he told AFP...
Many political
analysts say that vote-rigging, ballot-buying and intimidation
of voters have played a key role in ensuring the PRI's record
Almada said it appeared there was more vote-buying and coercion
of voters this year than there had been in 1997 congressional
He expressed
particular concern over the teachers' role in 'Progresa', a massive
government spending program to help the country's 40 million
poor, which observers say has been used in some cases to influence
the vote.
are told that if they do not vote for the PRI, or if the PRI
does not win, they will lose the public assistance program,"
said Almada.
Under Progresa,
for example, families of school children are eligible for aid,
conditional on the child's performance.
If a teacher
finds fault with a child, he or she can cause the suspension
of school aid given to his family, for whom this "often
means the difference between eating or not eating," said
Fuente: Agencía
Francés de Prensa (AFP) 16 junio
6. IFE no hace su trabajo
El Partido Acción
Nacional (PAN) exigió al Instituto Federal Electoral (IFE)
intervenir y en su caso sancionar a los responsables de la utilización
de recursos públicos en favor del PRI. El representante
del PAN ante el órgano electoral, Germán Martínez
Cázares, aseguró que ese uso electoral y la presión
a los servidores públicos en dependencias como la Secretaría
de Energía y de Gobernación, así como en
Petróleos Mexicanos, "está siendo escandaloso".
que el IFE tiene el compromiso de garantizar un voto en condiciones
de libertad "y no puede quedarse chiflando en la loma".
Cázares subrayó que el instituto no puede limitarse
a colocar mamparas y cortinas para evitar la coacción
el día de los comicios; "me parece hasta ridículo
que a eso se limite la actividad del IFE".
que el propio presidente Ernesto Zedillo esté alterando
las condiciones de equidad de la contienda al negarse a suspender
la publicidad del gobierno en medio de la contienda política.
Martínez Cázares su partido documentó un
caso grave de desvío de recursos en favor del PRI por
parte del gobierno de Roberto Albores en Chiapas, pero la PGR
se mantiene pasiva.
Asimismo, el
representante panista expresó que él mismo presentó
ante la PGR una denuncia en contra del ex gobernador de Puebla,
Manuel Bartlett Díaz, para que el priísta ratifique
sus declaraciones de que los programas públicos sirven
para garantizar el triunfo del PRI y sus candidatos. El representante
del PAN acusó al agente del Ministerio Público,
David Martínez Soto, quien recibió esta denuncia
de estar actuando más como abogado de Bartlett que como
fiscal de delitos electorales.
Fuente: Reforma,
17 junio 2000
5. Más preubas
de PEMEX electorero
Una investigación
realizada por REFORMA confirmó que las instrucciones a
funcionarios de Pemex promotores del voto por el PRI fueron enviadas
desde la extensión 53100 de la red telefónica interna
de la paraestatal.
Las instrucciones,
de las cuales se tiene copia, piden que los funcionarios recluten
a posibles votantes y remitan la lista a una dirección
de correo electrónico "acueducto13", password
"labastida", ubicada en la dirección:
REFORMA accesó
a dicha dirección y comprobó que ahí llegan
los reportes de los promotores de voto de Pemex con listados
de empleados de la paraestatal que serían invitados a
votar por el PRI.
4. Detallan plan de Pemex
para apoyar a PRI
día después de haberse opuesto a continuar con
el proselitismo entre funcionarios de Pemex a favor de Francisco
Labastida, Ramiro Berrón denunció que recibió
órdenes de la dirección general, en horario de
trabajo, y advirtió que la encomienda electoral para esa
paraestatal significa necesariamente utilizar recursos públicos.
un fax, en el que claramente denota que la instrucción
(de promoción de Labastida) fue dada por la Dirección
general de PEP, en horarios de oficina", apuntó.
Ramiro Berrón,
quien es coordinador técnico de la región sur de
PEP, también mostró las directrices y el organigrama,
en forma de pirámide, en el que de mandos superiores a
medios desglosarían la promoción hasta sumar más
de 2 mil 400 simpatizantes a favor de Labastida, en 10 días.
"Dos mil 500 personas deberán ser enlistadas en menos
de diez días, que deberán ser motivadas en tan
poco tiempo, implica que debe de haber una actitud muy fuerte
para la coacción del voto.
"Nos están obligando a que utilizamos recursos de
la empresa, a que la persona no haga ingeniería, sino
que haga promoción en horarios de trabajo; a que utilicemos
salas de junta, teléfonos de la empresa, a que no destinemos
los recursos para lo que son, principalmente el recurso humano",
Fuente: Reforma,
16 junio 2000
3. Dispensas hallados
en Durango
La tensión política llegó ayer a su cima
en la capital del estado, luego de que el frente opositor integrado
por el PAN, PT y PRD descubrieron la tarde del jueves -en un
predio- cerca de 10 mil despensas que los candidatos del PRI
distribuirían en los próximos días. En el
corralón se encontraron también varias camionetas
del Instituto Estatal Electoral. El hallazgo del Frente Opositor
vino a tensar más el ambiente electoral, al involucrar
al Instituto Estatal Electoral de estar en contubernio con el
PRI en la repartición de por lo menos 10 mil despensas.
Ayer por la mañana el propietario del inmueble presentó
denuncia penal por allanamiento de morada; el PRI responsabilizó
a los opositores de posible violencia; el frente ofrece recompensa
a quien informe sobre más bodegas donde haya despensas.
Fuente: El Universal,
17 abril 2000
2. Insuficientes las boletas
a la frontera
Existe la seguridad de que no habrá suficientes boletas
en las casillas especiales instaladas en Tijuana por parte de
los grupos partidistas de oposición en Los Ángeles,
que están organizando las caravanas de mexicanos que cruzarán
la frontera para ejercer su derecho al voto en las elecciones
presidenciales del 2 de julio.
Mientras miembros
del Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD)
en Los Ángeles expresaron su seguridad de que no habrá
suficientes boletas para el número de votantes mexicanos
que radican en Estados Unidos, la organización en favor
del candidato Vicente Fox, Inmigrantes Mexicanos por el Cambio
(Mimexca), manifestaron el mismo temor y se quejaron que el IFE
no les ha informado sobre la localización exacta de dónde
se van a encontrar la casillas especiales.
El perredista
José Jacques Medina, residente de Los Ángeles...
afirmó que con toda seguridad las 15 casillas instaladas
en Tijuana con 750 boletas cada una no serán suficientes
para los connacionales que "más que nunca quieren
El representante
del PRD Felipe Aguirre afirmó que la agrupación
partidista está lista para llevar una caravana de votantes
a la frontera, la cual partirá del estado de Washington
el 25 de junio y llegará a Los Ángeles el 1 de
julio para continuar su viaje a la frontera.
La caballada
de 20 jinetes perredistas que se inicia en Funnysyde, Washington...
a lo largo del trayecto se les irán uniendo más
personas a caballo por lo que estimó "cuando lleguemos
a Tijuana vamos a ser unos 2 mil a caballo".
Fuente: El Universal,
17 junio 2000
1. Oaxaca: Entrega de
títulos de propiedad
La dirigente
nacional del Partido de la Revolución Democrática
(PRD), Amalia García, acusó a gobernadores del
PRI de hacer campaña y entregar obra pública a
nombre de ese instituto político y aseguró que
tiene documentada la entrega de títulos de propiedad que
a nombre del PRI hizo el gobernador de esta entidad, José
Fuente: Notimex,
17 junio, 2000
Reportajes Ya Han Llegado a Narco News Y Vendrán a Este
Espacio Próximamente
of irregularities in the campaign leading to July 2, 2000
18. Tabasco
and the state of Mexico still haven't suspended government publicity
The PRI governments of Tabasco and the State of Mexico still
have not suspended governmental publicity that according to law
should have been stopped on Monday.
With respect
to the state governments headed by the PRD and PAN parties, five
of them have already responded to the call by the Federal Elections
Institute to suspend government publicity 30 days before the
The states that
informed they will suspend their publicity are Querétaro,
Aguascalientes, Nuevo León, Baja California and Baja California
For their part
the (PAN governed) states of Jalisco and Guanajuato conditioned
their response on what the others states do.
Mexico City,
Tlaxcala and Zacatecas have already suspended their publicity.
Nayarit still has not responded.
On its end,
the President of the Republic has not responded to the request
to suspend publicity and contribute with that a better fairness
in the election contest.
Source: Notimex,
June 12, 2000
17. 26 cases
of use of public funds for electoral goals, the majority by the
House of Representatives Commission charged with monitoring that
public resources are not diverted with electoral goals has documented
up until now 26 charges of using the budget with these ends,
said federal deputy Armando Aguirre Hervis, member of the commission.
He said the majority of the charges are against PRI officials.
The states where
the most anomalies have been reported, said the PRD legislator,
are Puebla, Chiapas, Tabasco, Veracruz and Yucatán, entities
governed by the PRI.
Source: Notimex,
June 12, 2000
16. Cyber-Fraude
Predicted for July 2nd
Electoral Observers
at the National University denounced to the Human Rights Parliament
that the Computer Center of the National Autonomous University
of Mexico "will be utilized to practice cybernetic electoral
fraud in the elections of July 2nd. To this end "plans are
being made for the University City to be newly occupied militarily
so that students and teachers can be removed and without witnesses
votes will be introduced fraudulently to the system of the Federal
Electoral Institute (IFE)."
Source: La Jornada,
May 28, 2000
15. Zedillo
Visit Prompts Questions of Fujimori-style Electoral Fraud
Zedillo's complacency over OAS's stonewalling reaction to Fujimori
vote-rigging suggests that his party may be persuaded to resort
to comparable techniques in the upcoming July 2 presidential
Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo's visit to the United States,
whose real purpose, if not stated intentionally, is to inspire
support and legitimacy for his PRI and its candidate, Francisco
Labastida, occurs against a backdrop of the just concluded OAS's
30th general assembly meeting in Windsor, Canada
Implicit Support
of Fujimori could be a Source of Inspiration for Mexican Elections
Source: Center
On Hemispheric Affairs, June 9, 2000
14. In Chiapas, dozens
of PRI irregularities
Tuxtla Gutiérrez,
CHIAPAS: Headed by Governor Roberto Albores, the official machine
is march so that Francisco Labastida Ochoa wins Chiapas. And
for this resources are not spared nor are they guarding appearances.
The charges
of irregularities count in the dozens. The House of Representatives
Special Commission charged with monitoring that federal public
resources are not used in the election process have documented
in Chiapas the use of programs including Progresa, Procampo,
Temporary Employment, Farmers Alliance, Liconsa and Tortilla
Subsidies to try and condition the vote in favor of the PRI.
Source: Julio
César López and Isaín Mandujano, Proceso
Magazine, June 18, 2000
13. Growing doubts about
the Electoral Process and the Federal Elections Institute Acts
As July 2nd
grows closer, the doubts about the quality of the electoral process
are multiplying. Charges of vote-buying and pressures on voters,
irregularities in designating polling officials, inequality in
the media coverage of campaigns, detour of public resources with
electoral goals... The concern has grown to such a point that
Alianza Cívica solicited on Wednesday June 7th, in a letters
sent to the board of the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE) "clear
responses related to the identified problems in the electoral
process," but as of Friday the 16th, there had been no official
Source: Guillermo
Correa and Alvaro Delgado, Proceso Magazine, June 18, 2000
12. Too Many Ballots in
While PRD leaders in the United States complain about the lack
of electoral ballots in the special polling places that will
be installed at the border for Mexican residents of that country,
the state leader of the PRD in Guerrero, René Lobato Ramírez,
denounced that in the second district, with its seat in the municipality
of Taxco, there are grave irregularities such as an excess of
He said that
"it seems to us very strange that this leftover quantity
of ballots arrived and the members of the election commission
have not decided to cancel them or return them to themselves.
We cannot go into the election with the threat of 12,037 ballots
that are stored in some place from there can surge at the hour
of the vote grave irregularities."
Source: El Universal,
19 June 2000
11. Public Resources and
Pressures in Guerrero
The ex-PRI member and ex government secretary in Guerrero, Florencio
Salazar Adame (PAN coordinator), affirmed that in this state
exists "a gross manipulation of public resources" to
pressure people to vote for the PRI...
He said that
it is a campaign that is "fruitless because what they are
making is lost in the neatness of the the electoral process,
that there is a gross manipulation of public resources to pressure
a vote that the people already don't want to give to the PRI..."
Source: El Universal,
June 19 2000
10. PRI document reveals
vote-hauling operation
The operation
to win the elections without a free vote has begun in the PRI.
Indicador Político obtained access to part of this operation
for the presidential and legislative elections in the State of
Mexico, although, various sources confirmed, that the same program
is in march throughout the country:
-- The objectives
of the electoral operation (include)... "to assure the presence
of our representatives to each polling place in the electoral
sections that include this strategy."
-- "Once
the representative counts with the identification of sections
and polling places that present the proper characteristics of
electoral rentability in our favor and taking advantage that
in these hours they are still validating the electoral structure,
a representative of each one of these polling places will be
selected who complies with the proper profile for these tasks."
-- The PRI polling
place representative will form part of this special program as
the operator of the polling place. He will have special training
for these activities.
-- "On
the Sunday before the vote...50 confirmed voters will be invited
to a house near the polling place." They will be thanked
for their attendance "and given gifts and propaganda"
(already illegal by these dates) so that they will become campaigners
to their neighbors.
-- "On
July 2 at 7 a.m. they will be offered a small refreshment to
be brought (to the polling place) before 8 a.m. to cast their
-- "Once
this step is concluded, (the operative) will retake his position
as representative of the polling place."
-- On Sunday
June 15th each will be given 250 pesos for the costs of the refreshments
on July 2nd and will be delivered the gifts for the 50 voters
confirmed to go to the polling place. Once the operation is proved
with the casting of votes for the PRI, they will be supported
with 750 pesos more.
-- On June 15,
1,500 pesos will be given to each of the field workers. On July
1 they will receive another thousand pesos to operate on July
2nd. After the election, 500 more pesos will be given.
-- The budget
for one electoral operation cell at the municipal level of the
state will be a total of 1 million 301 thousand pesos.
-- "There
will be complaints by some section presidents considering that
they are not included in this program and they can be promised
to be fit in because they'll each be given an extra million and
a half pesos."
According to
information delivered to Indicador Político, the sections
to operate the "One for fifty program" are located
in State of Mexico local election districts 24, 27, 29 and 30,
although as a model it will be applied in many others in the
Source: Indicador
Político, June 19, 2000
9. Charges of use of public
funds in Puebla in favor of the PRI
Alliance for Mexico presented ten complaints before the Attorney
General's office for the crimes of detouring public resources.
...the charges
are made against agencies such as Liconsa and the Secretary of
Social Development, as well as some City Halls with authorities
from the PRI.
(The plaintiffs)
indicated that in the coming days the charges could rise to 150
complains, as it is presumed that Puebla is has the fifth most
cases of uses of public resources in favor of the official party
in the nation.
Source: La Jornada
de Oriente, 16 june 2000
8. Ex-Election Commissioner
Ortiz Pinchetti warns of fraud
The PRI and
President Zedillo should not have been surprised by the resistance
of opponents and the great part of the people to believe in electoral
The operations
of vote-buying, pressures on voters, the pressure over officials
and public employees to vote for the PRI, the use of public resources,
the maneuvers to provoke fears in the population, are multiplying.
The electronic
media, that had demonstrated some openness at the beginning of
the process, has a position every day more tendentious in favor
of the PRI and its candidates. In these conditions the pretension
of official spokesmen and writers that the results will have
to be accepted without discussion by opponents is somewhat badly
The inclusion
in the campaign team of Labastida of personalities connected
with electoral frauds is threatening. Also the refusal of the
PRI to permit a deep investigation of the financial structure
of Labastida's campaign in spite of the fact that the PAN and
Fox have accepted that kind of scrutiny over its own resources....
Source: La Jornada,
column of José Agustín Ortiz Pinchetti, June 18,
7. Mexico's PRI-aligned
teachers' union to deploy 25,000 election observers
-- A move by Mexico's teachers' union to register 25,000 of its
members as electoral observers for the upcoming presidential
election drew a complaint Friday by a civil rights group, on
the grounds that the union openly backs the ruling party candidate.
The complaint
came as international observers reported electoral irregularities
ahead of the July 2 vote, mainly by the ruling Institutional
Revolutionary Party (PRI).
The National Union of Education Employees (SNTE)... openly supports
PRI presidential candidate Francisco Labastida, an ex-interior
minister and former state governor of Sinaloa.
"We are
concerned over the presence of the teachers as a coercion factor,"
said Hugo Almada of the Civic Alliance group, which is itself
monitoring the vote independently.
"It is
likely (the teachers) will talk to voters and even might exercise
some kind of pressure," he told AFP...
Many political
analysts say that vote-rigging, ballot-buying and intimidation
of voters have played a key role in ensuring the PRI's record
Almada said it appeared there was more vote-buying and coercion
of voters this year than there had been in 1997 congressional
He expressed
particular concern over the teachers' role in 'Progresa', a massive
government spending program to help the country's 40 million
poor, which observers say has been used in some cases to influence
the vote.
are told that if they do not vote for the PRI, or if the PRI
does not win, they will lose the public assistance program,"
said Almada.
Under Progresa,
for example, families of school children are eligible for aid,
conditional on the child's performance.
If a teacher
finds fault with a child, he or she can cause the suspension
of school aid given to his family, for whom this "often
means the difference between eating or not eating," said
Source: French
Press Agency (AFP) June 16 2000
6. Fed Election Institute
Not Enforcing Laws
The National
Action Party (PAN) demanded that the Federal Election Institute
(IFE) intervene and sanction those responsible for using public
resources in favor of the PRI. The PAN representative before
the electoral agency, Germán Martínez Cázarez
said that the electoral activity and pressure upon public servants
in agencies like the government Department of Energy, as well
as Mexican Petroleum "is scandalous."
He asserted
that the IFE has the responsibility to guarantee the vote in
conditions of liberty "and can't continue whistling in the
Cázares underlined that the insitute cannot just limit
itself to hanging signs and curtains to avoid pressure upon voters
on the day of the elections: "it seems to me ridiculous
that the IFE limits itself to this activity.
He criticized
that the very President Ernesto Zedillo is altering the conditions
of fairness in the contest by refusing to suspend the government's
publicity in middle of the campaign.
According to
Martínez Cázares his party documented a grave misuse
of public resources in favor of the PRI by Chiapas Governor Roberto
Albores but the Attorney General stays passive in that case.
At the same
time, the PAN representative expressed that the party presented
charges before the same Attorney General against the ex-governor
of Puebla, Manuel Bartlett Díaz, to question the PRI leader
about his declarations that government programs serve to guarantee
victory by the PRI and its candidates. The PAN representative
accused the public prosecutor David Martínez Soto, who
received this complaint, of acting more like the attorney for
Bartlett than as prosecutor of election crimes.
Source: Reforma,
June 17, 2000
5. More proofs of Pemex
An investigation
realized by REFORMA newspaper confirmed that the instructions
to PEMEX official promoters of the PRI vote were sent from extension
53100 of the internal telephone system of the para-state agency.
The instructions,
of which the newspaper has obtained a copy, ask the officials
to recruit possible voters and offer to the list an e-mail address,
"acueducto13" with the password "labastida"
located at
REFORMA accessed
that address and proved that here were the reports of the campaign
operative of PEMEX with lists of the employees of the para-state
agency that would be asked to vote for the PRI.
4. PEMEX plan to support
PRI detailed
- One day after he opposed the continuation of campaigning by
(the state-owned) Mexican Petroleum in favor of Francisco Labastida,
Ramiro Berrón denounced that he received orders by the
directors, during work hours, and warned that the electoral recommendation
by this para-state agency necessarily requires using public resources.
"We have
a copy of a FAX, that clearly shows that the instruction (to
promote Labastida) was given by the directors of the agency during
office hours," he said.
Ramiro Berrón,
who is technical coordinator of the agency's southern region,
also demonstrated the flow chart of the organization, in the
form of a pyramid, in which from the high chiefs to the mid-level
staff would campaign until more than 2,4000 Labastida sympathizers
were recruited, in ten days.
people will have to be enlisted in less than ten days. To motivate
them in such a short time implies that there will have to be
a very strong pressure upon them as to how to vote.
"They are
obligin us to use the business resources, so that a person doesn't
do engineering, but rather campaigns during work hours; for which
we will use boardrooms, telephones of the business, and put resources
toward what they are not for, principally human resources,"
he warned
Source: Reforma,
June 16, 2000
3. Vote-buying gifts found
in Durango
political tension grew in the state capital after an opposition
front joined by the PAN, PT and PRD discovered on thursday afternoon
-- in a private property -- nearly 10,000 packages of vote-buying
gifts that the PRI candidates would distribute in upcoming days.
In the warehouse were found also various trucks of the State
Electoral Institute (charged with regulating the elections).
The finding
by the opposition front made the electoral ambience more tense,
involving the State Electoral Institute of being in conspiracy
with the PRI in the reparting of at least 10,000 packages. Yesterday
morning the property owner filed charges for trespassing; the
PRI blamed the opponents on possible violence; the opposition
front offered a reward to whomever reports where there are more
storage locations of vote-buying packages.
Source: El Universal,
April 17 2000
2. Not enough ballots
at the border
Partisans of
opposition groups in Los Angeles, California are certain that
there will not be enough ballots in the special polling locations
installed in Tijuana for those who are organizing the caravans
of Mexicans that will cross the border to excersize their right
to vote in the July 2 presidential elections.
While members
of the PRD in Los Angeles expressed their certainty that there
will not be enough ballots for the number of voters that live
in the United States, the organization in favor of Vicente Fox,
Mexican Immigrants for Change (Mimexca), demonstrated the same
fear and complained that the federal elections institute has
not informed them exactly where they will find the special polling
The PRD leader
José Jacques Medina, resident of Los Angeles...said that
it is certain that the 15 polling places with 750 ballots each
will not be sufficient for Mexican citizens in the US who "more
than every want to vote."
The PRD representative
Felipe Aguirre affirmed that the party organization is ready
to bring a caravan of voters to the border, that will begin on
June 25 and arrive in Los Angeles July 1 to continue its trip
to the border.
The caravan
led by 10 PRD horsemen that begins in Sunnyside, Washington...
will, along its path, be joined by more people on horse and estimated
"when we arrive in Tijuana we will be some 2,000 on horseback."
Source: El Universal,
June 17 2000
1. Oaxaca: Gifts of property
The national
leader of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), Amalia García,
accused governors of the PRI of campaigning and delivering public
works in the name of their party, and assured that she has documented
the delivery of property titles delivered by the governor of
this state, José Murat, in the name of the PRI.
Source: Notimex,
June 17, 2000
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