The Narco News Bulletin
A Narco News Global
"Europeans refuse
to support the peace plan in Colombia"
The European
Union fears that the military side of Plan Colombia may cause
an escalation, and freezes the financial contribution hoped for
by Bogota and Washington.
from Le
Monde, July 26, 2000
By Alain Abellard
The risk of escalation in the armed conflict
in Colombia, which caused the
death of more than 120,000 persons over the last three decades,
is more real
than ever today. This is evidenced by the multiplication of offensives
various sides during the last three weeks, between the militaries,
taries and guerrilla movements (FARC and ELN), which left more
than 400
persons dead. On Monday July 24 only, at least 9 policemen, 4
soldiers and
12 guerrillas died in various confrontations across the country,
authorities said.
Yet, Europeans do not approve the peace
plan elaborated by the Colombian
government, seeking a large financial commitment from the EU.
Naively, Bogota
had high expectations for the meeting organized in Madrid on
July 7, designed
to collect financing and give a new impetus to its efforts to
put an end to
narcotrafficking and armed violence. Beyond the usual declarations
of satis-
faction, this meeting was a crushing failure for Colombian diplomacy,
did not manage to convince the Europeans, except Spain, of the
pertinence of
its requests and of the adequacy of the means considered by the
government to
reach its objectives.
The representative of the EU, the Spaniard
Javier Solana, expressed Europe's
concern for the evolution of the situation, and indicated that
the amount of
the EU's contribution would not be announced before September
in Bogota,
during another international meeting. Some European diplomats
even consider
as premature this declaration by the head of European diplomacy,
as other
sources are saying that nothing will be announced before the
end of the first
quarter of 2001.
This situation reveals abysmal divergences
between the vast majority of
European countries and Colombia on the proposed peace plan. Today,
the lack
of financing (Bogota hopes for a $1.5 billion commitment from
Europe, on a
total cost of $7.5 billion for the plan) is less a concern than
the stalled
dynamics around this project.
Moreover, the amount available in Brussels
for all of Latin America does
not exceed $350 million Euro, and after the succession of awkward
moves by
Bogota there is no high likelihood for an exceptional decision
to raise the
amount, or allocate all of it to Colombia. Europeans have also
deemed in-
appropriate to hold this meeting in Madrid - the Spaniards' propensity
claims for itself the merits of European credits assigned to
Latin America
is increasingly irritating its partners. But Bogota's main error,
to Paris, was to conceive its peace plan only in a strict and
relationship with the United States, which has accepted early
in July,
after months of discussions, the principle of an exceptional
aid over two
years. The Fifteen also do not share the American views on the
dimension of this plan, being apprehensive of the risk of escalation
may induce in the conflict.
Lastly, the Europeans remain skeptic about
how financially disinterested
Washington's contribution may be, as 70 % of its $1.3 billion
are devoted
to the strictly military component: purchase of 60 combat helicopters,
training and equipment of army battalions specialized in anti-narcotics
operations, delivery of sophisticated material to intelligence
and destruction of fields of illicit crops (coca and poppy).
Thus, close
to $900 million of the American "gift" will return
directly to the United
States, between military equipment manufacturers, the Pentagon
for the
training of Colombian military units, and the companies in charge
spraying the plantations concerned.
The rest will be dedicated to the social
dimension of the peace plan (help
to population displaced by the conflicts, opening up of some
regions by the
creation of infrastructures, implementation of crop substitution
etc.), for which the Europeans have been very emphatically solicited.
European capitals are quite irritated by a situation in which,
to a French diplomat, just as "what is occurring in the
Middle East,
Washington puts together a peace plan on its own and then passes
the bill
to other countries".
Plan Colombia, accounted by president
Andrés Pastrana in the Fall of 1999,
suffers many other weaknesses, according to the Europeans. First,
partner he chose for its peace talks, the Revolutionary Armed
Forces of
Colombia (FARC, the main guerrilla movement of the country, with
members), rejects it. FARC considers that massive military aid
from the
U.S. is an act of hostility, and has declared that it would oppose
it both
militarily and socially by the mobilization of coca-producing
peasants. So
the EU has ask Colombia -- to no avail so far -- to give a larger
place to
political, social, and economic reform. All those reservations
are supported
by numerous non-governmental organizations (ONGs) who fear that
the military
option may cause an increase of the repression against small
without addressing the structural causes of the problem.
Indeed, President Pastrana has clearly
indicated that international aid was
designed to "fight narcotrafficking and conclude peace",
and that the funds
collected must be used for the first phase of a move for the
eradication of drugs and the final battle against narcotrafficking
in the
country". What he did not say too clearly is that by attacking
with means unprecedented in Colombia, drug production and trafficking
the armed groups involved in them, the government wants to deprive
far-left guerrillas and the far-right paramilitaries of their
main source
of income - and thus place them in a weak position at the same
time that it
is negotiating with some of them.
Financing for
the plan is far from secured
The cost of Plan Colombia is estimated
at $7.5 billion (8 billion Euro)
by Bogota, who has planned to contribute $4. Colombia has asked
the inter-
national community to cover the other $3.5 billion. The U.S.
has approved
at the end of June the principle of a $1.3 billion contribution.
The rest,
that is $2.2 billion, was to be obtained via a commitment of
close to $1
billion by the European Union and via international financial
or by bilateral contributions. But the meeting of funding countries
on July
7 in Madrid has only mobilized $120 million (Spain will supply
100, and
Norway 20), plus a $131 million contribution by the UN. $370
million are
advanced as preferential loans by the Interamerican Development
Bank ($300)
and Japan ($70). The $250 million announced at that occasion
by the U.S.
are part of the $1.3 billion package.
The fighting
continues during the talks
The Colombian guerrilla movement ELN (National
Liberation Army, Guevarist)
has started peace talks with the Colombian government on Monday
July 24 in
Geneva. Yet its troops were still fighting in Colombia Tuesday
to defend its
embattled headquarters against the paramilitaries of the United
of Colombia (AUC, five thousand men) on the slopes of the San
Lucas mountain,
650 km (about 400 miles) north of Bogota. The ELN, the second
movement with six thousand men, has started a dialogue with the
in October. In Geneva Monday and Tuesday it was meeting 80 representatives
of Colombian civil society, as part of a talk process without
a preliminary
Narco News
offers special thanks to Paul Wolf for fast work in moving this
translation from Paris to América to Barcelona to our

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