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Akin Gump To Narco News:

"You are a Defendant in a Lawsuit"

Narco News to Akin Gump:

"We look forward to the truth coming out"

"Narco-Lobbyist" firm responds to Newsroom Volunteers Letter

Narco News Publisher's Response:

"Let the Readers decide who is telling the truth"

The Narco News Bulletin

"The Name of Our Country is América"

-- Simón Bolívar

The Latest Chapter in the...

Narco-System on Trial Case

The First Exchange of E-mails Between Akin Gump and Narco News

Banamex Lawyer Tom McLish's Letter to Narco News and Our Response



You have written to Narco News and its publisher, Al Giordano, requesting retraction of a piece posted on Narco News on or about December 10, 2000, because you claim it contains "knowing falsehoods." In order that our readers can decide for themselves whether that letter -- or your letter -- contains "knowing falsehoods," I am printing your letter in full with the response of Narco News.


To: Al Giordano/Narco News Bulletin:

Mr. Giordano:

As you are aware, you are a defendant in a lawsuit brought by Banco Nacional de Mexico, S.A. ("Banamex") that is currently pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. As you are also aware, Banamex has been trying for some time to locate you in order to formally serve you with the summons and complaint. Unlike your co-defendant Mr. Menendez, you have been evading such service. Neither you nor the Narco News Bulletin has known physical addresses.


Mr. McLish:

There has been absolutely no attempt to avoid service.

The Narco News Bulletin has a known email address of and has had this address posted prominently on our front page ever since we began publishing on April 18, 2000.

I think you have a lot of nerve accusing me of “evading service” when it was I who contacted you about three weeks ago, by telephone, when I heard of the lawsuit. You began asking me questions and, given your hostile tone, I told you that I wished to seek legal counsel, like any citizen has a right to do before answering questions. You have mischaracterized the invoking of my legal rights to an attorney as “evading service.”

I told you in that telephone conversation, and I quote from my notes, “I am not evading service. I have a right to speak with a lawyer before answering questions.”


In fact, when you telephoned me directly about the lawsuit, you refused to tell me where you could be found so that we could serve you with the legal documents.

In addition, you arranged for a lawyer, Mr. Lesser, to write us a letter stating that you reside somewhere in Mexico, and that we should communicate with you by e-mail. Mr. Lesser subsequently informed us that you did not reveal your location even to him.


Thank you for admitting that it was I who contacted you (although your description of that conversation is knowingly false, as I stated above).

Also, I have not seen any letter from attorney Tom Lesser – who is not on retainer from me, but is longtime friend whom I admire very much for his ethical practice of law - to you. He did inform me that he wrote a letter to explain to you that I am not evading service. Nor has Tom asked me for my residential address. But, again, I suppose it is your job to paint everything in the worst possible light to try and bolster your attempts to interfere with my public participation and practice of journalism.


As your representative invited, we e-mailed copies of the appropriate legal documents to you at We also e-mailed copies to the other e-mail address that we understand you use, Our first e-mails, however, did not go through successfully, so we tried again from a different e-mail account at Apparently, the file attachments were too large for your Hotmail accounts to accept at one time, so the e-mail program broke the messages up into smaller pieces that your account would accept. We had no reason to expect that this would result in your receipt of a large number of separate e-mails, or that these e-mails would be converted to snippets of unreadable MIME computer code, which is apparently what happened. Any problems that you might be having with your Hotmail accounts are likely resolvable by simply deleting those e-mails.


Listen, Mr. McLish, you are always welcome to write me a letter by email just as all readers are invited to do. I am publishing yours as a letter to the editor so that our readers can make their own assessment of the veracity of your claims, because even you, sir, have a voice on Narco News.

But nobody in the history of Narco News – or in my email experience since 1995 when I was an editor for a major online service – has ever mail-bombed us with 10 mb worth of text and attachments, in over 100 emails at once, as your firm did last week.

I certainly never authorized anyone to invite you to cripple our account for more than 24 hours and cause a “bouncing effect.” That bouncing effect apparently triggered a six-day lack of access to the Narco News mailing list provided by another free service, Egroups. That service’s computer system informed me that my access was denied because its computer thought that was on “auto-respond”, which it was not. It is my view that the same “bouncing effect” that caused, as you say, some of your emails to be bounced back to you, also triggered our denial of access to the mailing list of our subscribers.

To make it clear, although I welcome individual emails of reasonable size like this letter you have sent, I demand that you cease and desist sending me emails with a combined storage use that exceeds what Hotmail allows. If you continue to do so, you will be simply harassing me.

Furthermore, your agent, Mr. Sal Mancuso who sent the majority of those emails from ought to know better: I believe that, owned by the same company as Hotmail, also places these kinds of limits on storage capacity in email accounts. Thus, I believe that your agent, Salvatore Mancuso of Akin Gump, had prior knowledge that his mail-bombing would cause problems for my account. Maybe you didn’t understand that, which I find hard to believe, since your website states:

"New media, e-commerce, microelectronics, Internet solutions, software, telecommunications, biotechnology or any of the dozens of other digital age domains--we are knowledgeable in your space, and ready to provide the solutions you need, when you need them."

Nonetheless, your agent, Mr. Mancuso, surely should have. If I had simply returned all those emails to him, I believe the same problems would have plagued his account. I did not do that, because I am not in the business of harassment.

You write, Mr. McLish, that “Any problems that you might be having with your Hotmail accounts are likely resolvable by simply deleting those e-mails.”

Any further emails that you send of similar large size as the prior ones will be deleted in accordance with your counsel.


We then used another approach to e-mail the documents to you. We separated the various legal documents and their supporting exhibits into distinct files that did not exceed any size limits set by Hotmail…


That is untrue, Mr. McLish. Only one of those emails arrived here and it used 800k of storage capacity: 40% of the total allowed by Hotmail. And I have not had the technical capacity to open it.

Because is a public email address that has received thousands of pieces of correspondence from our readers, we are usually quite close to that 2,000k limit: we must delete emails every five to ten days to abide by our agreement with hotmail. That one email of 800k in size is too large for us. Ten of them would be just another harassing form of mail-bombing. Apparently, as you state below, nine of the ten were bounced back to you. Doesn’t that tell you something about how those emails do, and indeed did, exceed size limits set by Hotmail?


…and sent them as a series of ten separate e-mails (the subject lines read "1 of 10," "2 of 10," "3 of 10," and so on through "10 of 10"). We e-mailed these documents, along with a notice explaining what they were and how to contact us should the files be delivered incomplete, to and These e-mails were sent from the address The e-mails containing the notices, contact information, summons, complaint and some of the exhibits to the complaint were successfully delivered. The e-mails containing the remaining exhibits, however, were returned to us because your mailbox was full. We will be making additional attempts to e-mail these remaining exhibits to you.


Mr. McLish, I again demand upon you and all agents of Akin Gump to cease and desist sending documents of that size. We are not going to dedicate our entire storage capacity to your firm because we have a bigger job to do reporting on the drug war from Latin America. If your intent is to prevent us from reporting – I inform you that any further attempts to fill our mailbox will be seen by any reasonable party as “cyber-attacks.” You have pled ignorance on the first round. I give you the benefit of the doubt, but to repeat the mail-bombing would be a knowing act of harassment and interference with our First Amendment rights to publish and our other constitutional rights to petition our government for a redress of grievances.


In any event, as explained in the e-mails, we separately mailed complete copies of the documents to the Narco News Bulletin post office box in New York, P.O. Box 20743, New York, New York 10019, and to your attention at P.O. Box 1, Lake Pleasant, Massachusetts, 01347.


The latter address, in Massachusetts, has not been used by me since 1992, when I moved from that town. I do not have access to that post office box. I presume that somebody else uses that post office box in Lake Pleasant and that your letter will be returned.

The former address in New York City – your private investigators can confirm this easily with the local postmaster – has not been opened since March 2000. The key was lost in March. And before you cite this in a knowingly false matter as evidence of “evading process”, please check the facts. The box was not opened in April, May, June or July, before your August lawsuit was filed and long before I heard anything about it in the late Autumn of this year.


Please confirm your receipt of these documents, or provide us with an alternative means of delivering them to you.


Mr. McLish, I confirm that I have not received these documents in any form in which I can read them.

You are no doubt aware that judges in Mexico, on multiple occasions, rejected charges of defamation and threw their cases out of court. So I do look forward to seeing how you plan to prevail in suing don Mario, The Narco News Bulletin and I, in the United States.

Once I am served, I look forward to getting on with the discovery process and deposing your clients and their agents. I am sure this will be an educational process not only for those of us who are directly involved, but for the public and its right to know.

However, there are laws. To the best of my knowledge, I have no responsibility to respond until served. Also, unless I am incorrect, under the laws of New York and the United States, persons are not required to alter their lives to present themselves available for service.

I will answer your questions when served, however I need time to retain legal counsel. One attorney I consulted asked for “$100,000 to $200,000 up front” before he would advise me on these matters. Another wanted “$50,000” and offered to file for an extension while I raised the money. Mr. McLish, I do not make that kind of money. I live simply and
inexpensively precisely so I do not have to make that obscene amount of money. I do not own a house, a car or a credit card. Don’t get impatient if I am not going to drop my real work to be at your beck and call. I don’t work for you. I work for our readers.


We have learned that the Narco News Bulletin website is ludicrously portraying this law firm's legitimate attempts to serve you with formal legal documents by e-mail, as invited by your own representative, as a "cyber-attack" and a deliberate effort to disrupt your e-mail service.


Mr. McLish, I am surprised at your knowingly false statement that your mail-bombing of our email address constituted “legitimate attempts to serve” (me) “with formal legal documents by email.”

The exact words in the letter I received on December 4, 2000 from Sean O'Donnell of your firm, Akin Gump, were:

"This is not a formal summons or notification from the court, but rather Plaintiff's request that you sign and return the enclosed waiver of service in order to save the cost of serving you with a judicial summons and an additional copy of the complaint."

How can you now say that the letter was an attempt to serve me?

You, as a legal professional, ought to know that the law makes no provision for service of process by email. US Law and the Hague Convention are very clear in the instructions for how to do it. I have been in countries that abide by the Hague Convention ever since you filed this lawsuit.

With regard to the waiver, I have taken the request under advisement. You will have to respect that I have a right and wish to attain full legal counsel before I answer your lawsuit.


Not only are these and the other accusations in your "article" obviously false, but you were well aware that they were false when you published them.


I think you are referring not to an “article” but to an open letter from our volunteers with a Cease and Desist order to your firm to stop jamming our email account.

And what “other accusations” are false?

That your firm represents the Colombian government, a foreign power, in lobbying congress for $1.3 billion in US taxpayer money?

That your firm represented members of the Mansur Family?

That a US Congressman called persons like your firm and others who tried to weaken anti-white-collar drug trafficking laws "narco-lobbyists”?

I would appreciate a specific response if these statements are claimed to be false by yourself.


You knew that Akin Gump represents Banamex in a lawsuit against you.


I have been told that, but what confuses me is that Banamex is the plaintiff and not its majority owner, CEO, and president Roberto Hernández Ramírez. Our reports are directed at Roberto Hernández, who by owning a bank of that size appears to have great powers of immunity and impunity.


You knew that we were trying to serve you with formal legal documents in that lawsuit. You knew that your own representative had invited us to do so by e-mail.


No, I did not know, and still do not know, that a representative of me has invited you to do that. I have not authorized anyone to invite you to serve me by email. And my representative says he suggested you write me, not serve me, by email. Meanwhile, Sean O’Donnell, apparently more intellectually honest than you are, sir, admits that in his email: This is not an attempt to serve process, he informed. He knows that the law requires a specific process. So take a deep breath, calm down, and consult your law books on service of process.


The messages you received clearly indicated that they were efforts to forward legal documents to Al Giordano and the Narco News, and that the documents would be in the form of e-mail attachments. The messages also contained instructions on how to contact Akin Gump to provide us with an alternate address in the event that the attachments could not be opened or were unreadable. It is clear that you were able to read these instructions, as your "article" refers to Sean O'Donnell and Jim Ma, who were not referred to at all in any of the unreadable e-mails sent from Your attempt to portray this as some sort of "cyber attack" appears to be nothing other than an elaborate effort to deny that you have received the summons and complaint.


There is nothing “elaborate” about it: You have not yet served me with this lawsuit. You sent a bunch of unopenable documents.


Your additional suggestions that Akin Gump and/or Banamex may somehow be responsible for other technical problems that the Narco News website may have recently experienced are also completely false.


We have suggested that Akin Gump, not Banamex, is responsible for our technical problems, for the reasons stated above: the “bouncing effect” that you yourself, in this email, admitted. Others received bounced emails and have communicated that to us, all as a result of your mail-bombing of our account, whatever its pretext was.


We have done nothing other than attempt to serve important legal documents upon you by e-mail at the invitation of your own representative…


Again, I never authorized any representative to invite you to serve me by email, because the law, as I understand it, sets forth a very simple process for service that does not mention email.


Because your attack upon Akin Gump and Banamex is rife with knowing falsehoods, you should retract it immediately.


I have published your letter and response so that our readers can decide for themselves as to errors and mistakes. I have no interest in knowing falsehoods. I have a commitment not to litigation, but to the facts and the truth.

You say your mail-bombing was not a cyber-attack, that it was an attempt at service. I have let the readers see the words of Sean O’Donnell of your firm, who contradicts you.

I am sure you do not object to letting the readers decide. You have been given adequate access to our audience to claim your corrections, and that is what I judge to be fair. I make no retraction.


Very truly yours,

Thomas P. McLish
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, L.L.P.


Perhaps we will meet in court. If so, I look forward to the truth coming out.

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin


McLish's Address and the following statement were posted at the bottom of his letter:

Thomas P. McLish, Esq.
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, L.L.P.
1333 New Hampshire Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Tel.: (202) 887-4324
Fax: (202) 887-4288

The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. This message may be an attorney-client communication and/or work product and as such is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message.

The December 4, 2000 letter from Akin Gump attorney Sean O'Donnell, that contradicts the claims of McLish, is printed in its entirety below:

To: Al Giordano:

This firm, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, L.L.P. represents Banco Nacional de Mexico ("Banamex") in a lawsuit Banamex commenced against you. A copy of the complaint, along with the annexed exhibits is attached. Also attached to this email is a notice of lawsuit and request for waiver of service in order to save the cost of serving you with a judicial summons and an additional copy of the complaint. If you are unable to view any of these attachments, please email me your address or call me at 212-872-1093 and we will deliver these documents to you by overnight mail.

The complaint was filed originally in the Supreme Court of New York, New York County, but it has been removed from that court and the action is now pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, and has been assigned docket number 00 Civ. 8941.

This is not a formal summons or notification from the court, but rather Plaintiff's request that you sign and return the enclosed waiver of service in order to save the cost of serving you with a judicial summons and an additional copy of the complaint. The cost of service will be avoided if Akin Gump receives a signed copy of the waiver within 30 days after the date designated below as the date on which this Notice and Request is sent (or 60 days from the date if your address is not in any judicial district of the United States). Upon receipt of your address, Akin Gump will send to you a stamped and addressed envelope so that you may return the signed waiver (you may forward your address to Akin Gump by replying to the email by which this notice was sent or by calling me at 212-872-1093). An extra copy of the waiver is also attached for your records.

If you comply with this request and return the signed waiver, it will be filed with the court and no summons will be served on you. The action will then proceed as if you had been served on the date the waiver is filed, except that you will not be obligated to answer the complaint before 60 days from the date designated below as the date on which this notice is sent (or before 90 days from the date if your address is not in any judicial district of the United States).

If you do not return the signed waiver within the time indicated, Banamex will take appropriate steps to effect formal service in a manner authorized by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and will then, to the extent authorized by the Rules, ask the court to require you to pay the full costs of such service. In that connection, please read the statement concerning the duty of parties to waive the service of the summons, which is set forth at the foot of the waiver form.

This request is being sent to you on behalf of Plaintiff (Banamex), this 4th day of December 2000.

Sean O'Donnell
Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld L.L.P.

The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. This message may be an attorney-client communication and/or work product and as such is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message.

The Information Contained Here Is to Inform the Public of the True Facts