May 20, 2001
Narco News 2001
U.S. Plan
Vladi-Video #1487 (April
21, 1999):
Narco News Commentary:
We have reported consistently
over the past year that the United States government backed and
protected the Fujimori-Montesinos regime in Perú throughout
the 1990s, despite known human rights violations, drug trafficking
activities and corruption by both men.
We have also reported
that the U.S. allowed Vladimiro Montesinos to escape (he is now
a fugitive from justice), because Montesinos made thousands of
secret videos of meetings he had that incriminate current leaders
in Perú and U.S. officials who he met with while in power.
This is a transcript from
one of those videos, published last week by the daily La Republica
of Lima, Perú.
Here, Montesinos speaks
with a Television executive about U.S. pressures and plans for
the Andean region in April 1999: before "Plan Colombia"
was announced as a strategy by Washington.
This video transcript
confirms the pressures upon Fujimori to spearhead Plan Colombia,
and the opinion of Narco News Perú correspondent Peter
Gorman that Fujimori was deposed by covert U.S. action - including
the broadcast of selective videos - precisely because he did
not go along with the $1.3 billion Plan Colombia military invasion.
It also speaks, candidly,
about the regional resistance to the pressures of Washington
that continue today.
- Al Giordano,
The Narco
News Bulletin
From the daily La República,
Lima, Perú
May 14, 2001
Vladi-Video #1487 (April
21, 1999):

On April 21 of 1999, Vladimiro
Montesinos had a meeting
with the owner of Global Television of Peru, Genaro Delgado Parker,
during which he made statements around the presumed operation
of the United States in order to occupy the south of Colombia.
This is their version:
Delgado: "I saw the other day that the President (of
Perú, Alberto Fujimori) had a chat in Washington."
"Yes, on the theme of Colombia?
Clearly, that was coordinated with the Americans."
Delgado: "Yes, but I think that behind this is the
idea is of making a kind of NATO in Latin America."
Montesinos: "Do you know why
that could not happen? Because, in first place, (Ecuador President
Jamil) Mahuad doesn't agree. That lunatic from Venezuela, (President
Hugo) Chávez, doesn't agree either. And the only one that
supports is (Argentina President Carlos) Menem, but Menem is
very far from the stage; and (Brazil President Fernando) Cardoso
doesn't want it either.
"Then, the only alternative
that the Americans have in order to solve the problem of Colombia,
is the invasion, that they are going to do this year. They are
preparing half a million Marine infantry troops in order to invade
Colombia and they asked us for the President to make declarations
because they could not say it themselves. Then, the President
made declarations at the Interamerican School. Here we are making
preparations in order to close the entire zone that we have,
1,600 kilometers of border. When the infantry of the Marines
does enter, what are they going to make the FARC and the drug
dealers do? They are going to come to Perú. And if we
don't close the border now and adopt security measures, we will
bring the problem here."

Immediate History