<i>"The Name of Our Country is América" - Simon Bolivar</i> The Narco News Bulletin<br><small>Reporting on the War on Drugs and Democracy from Latin America
 English | Español August 15, 2018 | Issue #41

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Let the cries of "You are not alone!" Tear Down the Prison Walls

Communiqué from the EZLN Sixth Commission

By Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
Zapatista Army of National Liberation

May 17, 2006

Sexta Commission of the EZLN.

May 14, 2006.

To all adherents of the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle and la Otra Campaña:

To the Coordinators, Commissions; to the State, regional, sub region, municipal, and sector coordinating committees of La Otra in all of México:

Compañeras y compañeros:

We send our greetings. Yesterday, the 13 of May, various organizations, groups, collectives, families and individuals adherents of La Otra Campaña from 17 states of the Mexican Republic meet at the “Che Guevara” Auditorium in University City, UNAM. At this meeting we saw how our struggle for our compañeros and compañeras repressed and imprisoned the 3 and 4 of May in San Salvador Atenco in the state of Mexico is going.

So we made some agreements to PROPOSE to all of our compañeras y compañeros of the Other México:

1. – Maintain our demand for freedom of all political prisoners.

2.- Call on everyone from la Otra in México and on the other side, for a period of dissemination, propaganda and agitation, all over the country and the world with the following crucial points:

  • This happened: explain what happened in Atenco the 3 and 4 of May, 2006. * Explain that this same thing has already happened, is happening or can happen to anyone from below, to simple and humble people. * What we want: freedom for everyone. * Invitation to participate in the acts that are planned.

3. – Call on La Otra from every state of the country; regions, sub regions, municipalities and sectors, to carry out peaceful and civil actions, everyone in your own place in your own way, FRIDAY the 19 of May, 2006 at 8 in the morning, with the central demand being the freedom of all those detained the 3 and 4 of May in Atenco.

4. – Call on all adherents of the Sixth and la Otra Campaña for a national concentration in México City, SUNDAY the 28 of MAY, 2006 at the Angel of Independence at 10:30 in the morning, to march to the Zocalo of Mexico City.

That we invite all the people of México to participate in this march.

5. – Call for a national Assembly of adherents, that will take place MONDAY the 29 of May, 2006 at the Che Guevara auditorium at the department of Philosophy and letters of UNAM, at 10:00 am.

That we each participate with our own difference and identity within La Otra. In other words, as state-wides, regionals, sub regionals, municipalities, families, individuals, sectors; as women, youth, elders, lesbians, homosexuals, transgender, sexual workers, labourers, peasants, indigenous nations, students, teachers, artists, media, environmentalists, committed believers, street workers, scientists and researchers, intellectuals, rockers, all of us who are from below and to the left.

Vale. Salud and that the cries of “You are not alone!” tear down the prison walls.

From the other Mexico City.

Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos.
México, May of 2006.

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The Narco News Bulletin: Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America