The International Network Mobilizes
Summary of International Actions in Solidarity with the People of Atenco and the Other Campaign
By the Intergalactic Commission of the EZLN
May 11, 2006
Compañeras y compañeros:
The Mobilizations and actions around the world in solidarity with the people of Atenco continue.
The Intergalactic Commission of the EZLN reports:
We continue to receive reports to the Zezta Internazional email on different actions that are being held in cities all over the world, to demand the liberation of all those that were detained during the brutal repression in San Salvador Atenco in the State of Mexico.
Various protests have been registered in front of Mexican Consulates and other symbolic locations of every country, as well as letter writing campaigns to the embassies of Mexico, virtual occupation of the web page of the government of Vicente Fox, tagging and graffiti, distribution of flyers and videos that demonstrate the brutal police repression suffered by our brothers and sisters of La Otra Campaña, as well as the five other individuals from other countries detained and deported arbitrarily by the Mexican government.
Up until the 10 of May there have been actions held in 36 cities in 17 countries.
Countries: Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Canada, United States, Brazil, Basque Country, Cuba, Germany, Spain, Sweden, France, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
Cities: San Francisco, Los Angeles, Riverside, Santa Ana, San Diego, Houston, Sacramento, Boston, Chicago, Minneapolis , Tucson, New York, Portland, Brasilia, Santiago, Venice, Quito, Buenos Aires, Stockholm, Berlin, Bilbao, Barcelona, Munich, Paris, Athens, Munster, Madrid, Venice, Rome Mestre-Marghera, Bologna, , Montreal, Vancouver, London, Copenhagen.
We have also received letters expressing their solidarity with the people of Atenco and repudiating the repression enacted under the leadership of the Mexican Government from many organizations and compañer@s from the following countries: Turkey, Basque Country, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Austria, Belgium, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Canada, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, United States, Cuba, and Chile.
The Following is a summary of the mobilizations that have been held
16 of May
We are making a call to congregate in front of the Mexican Embassy in Madrid to continue to denounce the repression in San Salvador Atenco. The mobilization will be held on May 16 at 8:00 pm
12 of May
Information session organized by the Eduardo Galeano Social University, adherents to the Zezta Internazional.
This activity will be held on the 12 of May in the Institute for a New Humanism (Brasil 23, Santiago de Chile). There will be videos and other multimedia materials for distribution. You can get more information at
Calling for people to protest against the repression in Atenco in front of the Mexican Embassy in Vienna the 12 of May. The organization making the call is the Group for the Investigation of Simbiodiversity. The Demands are “freedom for all political prisoners, return of all persons disappeared and an end to all torture, abuse, apprehensions and arbitrary deportations in Mexico”.
11 of May
Every Thursday henceforth they will hold a protest in front of the Mexican Consulate in Stockholm until the compañer@s imprisoned are released. Thursday the 11 of May will be the next protest organized by the Workers Central of Sweden (SAC). Their first protest was held on May 5 when they also began to disseminate a letter in support of the people of Atenco.
Solidarity with Chiapas from La Plata, Buenos Aires, informs people through the program Mute Occupation of what is taking place in Atenco. This Thursday they will take special note and coordinate actions and protest from La Catedra Che Guevara.
Transmission of videos from La Otra Campaña in solidarity with the people of Atenco, and against the aggression of the Mexican government towards civil society that is adhered to La Otra Campaña. Convened by Indymedia Ecuador and Collective Dos Balas in Quito.
9 of May
They are circulating a letter, obtaining signatures in solidarity with the people of San Salvador Atenco. They condemn the assault on the population and demand immediate and unconditional freedom for all persons detained in Atenco.
United Kingdom
They presented a letter in solidarity with the people of Atenco to the Mexican Embassy in London. One compañera is gathering signatures at this web site Look where it says “my blog” and unite with others in repudiating the violence engendered by the Mexican Government.
Protest of various groups adhered to the Sixth Declaration in Germany in front of the Mexican Consulate in Berlin, to demonstrate their support for La Otra Campaña, their solidarity with the political prisoners of Atenco and their indignation with the abuse of power on the part of the Mexican Government.
Demonstration in front of the Mexican Consulate in Montreal from 9am to 1:00pm and at 5:00pm a protest at the University of Concordia on Maisonneuve between Mackay and Bishop, and from there march to the Mexican Consulate. Organized by LA OTRA of Montreal and individuals from civil society of Montreal.
United States
In Portland people gathered in front of the Mexican Consulate to demand the liberation of all persons detained from Atenco. “Portland is with you”, “We are all Atenco” and “Solidarity with the EZLN”, were some of the chants.
8 of May
Action held in solidarity on the platform of le Trocadero (Human Rights Square) in Paris, for the compañer@s from Atenco, Texcoco and La Otra Campaña that are imprisoned. “For you, this action in solidarity in Paris, we have few words, but the determination to act that you have awakened in our hearts is strong. For you, this sincere and humble action!” is what is said from Paris.
Concentration in front of the Mexican Consulate in Brasilia, in solidarity with the victims from Atenco and La Otra Campaña. Convoked by the Collective in Solidarity with the Zapatista Struggle of Brasilia.
Protest in front of the Mexican Consulate in Montreal and a peaceful demonstration in solidarity with the people of Atenco. Organized by La Otra of Montreal and individuals of civil society of Montreal.
La Otra Campaña of Vancouver and organizations in solidarity with the brothers and sisters of Atenco, organize another protest in front of the Mexican Consulate to denounce the assassinations and detentions.
United States
March and protest in front of the Mexican Consulate in San Francisco, California. “That the voice of all peoples in defense of the land be heard”.
United States
Exhibition of videos on the actions that have been held in New York in defense of our Compañer@s from La Otra Campaña. You can see the videos at Organize La Otra Campaña in New York.
Basque Country
Congregation in front of the Mexican Consulate in Bilbao organized by Askapena. They are also disseminating a newspaper piece for the liberation of the compañer@s from Atenco.
7 of May
The organization Gruppe BASTA of Munster, initiated a campaign to gather donations that will go to the economic support for the victims of repression of Atenco.
United States
Protests held in front of Wal-Mart stores in the cities of Los Angeles, Riverside, Santa Ana and San Diego. Organizers make a call to organize protests in front of these establishments in other cities of the US.
6 of May
Protest in front of the Fira de Turisme that houses a permanent exhibit on Mexico. Around 20 people carried signs that stated, “Llibertat presos d’Atenco, Prou repression a Mexic” and “Turista vigila, en Mexico el gobierno asesina”.
Under individual title one compañera in Munich turned in a letter of protest to the Mexican Consulate. With this same letter she is collecting signatures in support for the freedom of those imprisoned by the Mexican government.
United States
Demonstration in front of the Mexican consulate of Boston, with pictures and signs in support of the compañer@s imprisoned from San Salvador Atenco and La Otra Campaña.
The Collectives “Direct Solidarity with Chiapas” and “Minka Alternativa” published a communiqué in solidarity with the people of Atenco and against the repression in San Blas Atempa in the state of Oaxaca. They repudiate the violent actions by the Federal and State governments and demand the immediate liberation of all persons detained.
Mobilization in front of the Mexican Embassy in Paris demanding the liberation of all political prisoners and in repudiation of the repression in Atenco. “Because in Paris, we are with you in solidarity and with sincerity, this morning we held a small action in front of the Mexican Embassy in Paris, we are sure that there will be more actions of resistance and support with the compañer@s in struggle”.
Congregation in front of the Mexican Embassy in Buenos Aires. “We are all Atenco” and other chants bombarded the walls of the embassy. To the rhythm of drum beats someone was handing out corn and people began to throw it at the building. Others wrote on the floor and walls: “Freedom for the prisoners of struggle”.
The compañeras deported by the Mexican government were received in the airport of Barcelona by compañer@s that held an action in support of them and the people of Atenco and La Otra Campaña.
The Collective in Solidarity with the Zapatista Rebellion called for a reunion to make decisions on what common actions can be taken in the face of the serious situation in Atenco.
5 of May
United States
In California, the United Farm Workers of Stockton, California, Aguila Group (Salinas), the First of May Civic Union (Sacramento) and the North Americans for Democracy in Mexico (Sacramento) held a protest at the Mexican Consulate. They also wrote a document of protest that they will turn into the Mexican Consulate of California’s State Capital this coming Tuesday.
United States
Protest at the Mexican Consulate of Houston, for the liberation of the compañer@s of San Salvador Atenco. “Enough with the arbitrary detentions in San Salvador Atenco”, read the signs.
United States
Demonstration in front of the Mexican Consulate in Boston
United States
The Collective CHICAGOTRA organized a protest in front of the Mexican Consulate in Chicago. WE ARE ALL ATENCO
Was yelled in front of diplomatic representation of Mexico.
A group of compañer@s from Argentina organized a letter in protest of the incidents in Atenco. The letter is directed at all of the ambassadors of Mexico around the world, whom they ask to, “present to your government the outcry for justice for your people, in this case, the victims of Atenco, and for which clamor we, citizens of the world, unite with the Zapatista Army for National Liberation, whom we identify with.
Mobilization in front of the Mexican Embassy in Copenhagen and presentation of a letter of protest to the embassy with signatures of 10 Danish organizations and one member of the Danish Parliament. The act was organized by Operation Jornada.
Basque Country
In Vitoria-Gasteiz there was a demonstration by the “Gaztetxes” (Basque Youth Movement for the squatting of houses for Communal use) were they also handed out flyers informing people what took place with the compañer@s of Texcoco and in regards to the Red Alert in the Zapatista communities of Chiapas.
Also held were information sessions in Bilbao and a protest in front of the Mexican consulate in Bilbao, Convened by Askapena.
In Athens during the Europe Social Forum, activists from different countries read a communiqué about the situation in San Salvador Atenco during a concert with 1,500 people. They demanded the immediate freedom of all political prisoners. The public who was at first irritated began to listen intently and responded with strong applause and cries of “Zapata Vive”.
Letter of protest by the organization Gruppe BASTA of Munster, Germany
- Immediate liberation of those detained
- End to all aggression towards the people of San Salvador Atenco
- Complete withdrawal of all police forces that have invaded their land.
- Physical integrity of activists of La Otra Campaña
Representatives from the Groups and Collectives in Support and Solidarity with Chiapas of Madrid went to the Mexican Embassy in this same city to ask to speak with the Ambassador. They demanded total and unconditional freedom for everyone of the compañer@s detained and the immediate withdrawal of police forces in San Salvador Atenco and the surrounding towns.
Groups that participated: Zapatista Support Network of Madrid-Platform in Solidarity with Chiapas, Oaxaca and Guatemala of Madrid-Confederate Commission of Solidarity with Chiapas of the CGT-Zapatista Document Center.
The Collective in Solidarity with the Zapatista Rebellion gathered in front of the Mexican Consulate of Barcelona in protest of the repression in Atenco. Furthermore, they have disseminated a letter in solidarity with signatures from different collectives and individuals of the world.
They make a call for people to organize actions taking advantage of the Europe Social Forum being held in Greece and the Encounter for Networking Alternatives in Vienna.
The Montreal Committee of La Otra works to disseminate information in Montreal, Canada. They denounce the repression in Atenco on the radio and are organizing other actions.
Protest in front of the Mexican Consulate in Venice organized by the Occupied Social Centers Rivolta and Marion and Association Ya Basta north-east, in support and response to the call by the EZLN and La Otra Campaña for mobilizations around the world.
Mobilization in front of the Italian Parliament in Rome in support of the Peoples Front for the Defense of the Land (FPDT) and La Otra Campaña, convened by Association Ya Basta.
Actions in Solidarity in Italy in front of the Mexican consulates of Mestre-Marghera and Bologna convened by the network Ya Basta, Collectives, Community Centers and civil society in general against the police repression and for the liberation of the political prisoners of the Peoples Front for the Defense (FPDT) of the Land and La Otra Campaña.
Demonstration in front of the Mexican Embassy in Rome, to protest against the repression and assassination that took place in San Salvador Atenco. A delegation has handed over a letter to an official of the Embassy and the protesters placed flowers at the entrance in solidarity with the flower growers of Texcoco and in memory of the 14 year old youth assassinated by the police.
4 of May
Signatures from Argentina to denounce the grave excesses that occurred in Texcoco and San Salvador Atenco. The signatures are directed at the Mexican Embassy in this South American Country. The networks in solidarity with Chiapas, along with other adherents to the Zezta Internazional make the call and mobilize to sign and send to (embassy of México in Argentina)
Mobilization in Vancouver, BC Canada. Different organizations, collectives and individuals demonstrated in front of the Mexican Consulate against the repression unleashed in Texcoco and San Salvador Atenco. They demanded an end to the repression and assassinations by the government.
United States
Action of Solidarity in front of the Mexican Consulate in Sacramento, organized by the First of May Civic Union.
United States
Demonstration in front of the Mexican Consulate of San Francisco, California, organized by the Caracol of the Mission.
United States
Protest in front of the Mexican Consulate of Minneapolis, in support of the people of San Salvador Atenco and La Otra Campaña.
United States
Protest in front of the Mexican Consulate in Tucson, Arizona under the banner of “The Land is for everyone”.
United States
Demonstration in front of the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles, California in Solidarity with the Peoples Front in Defense of the Land (FPDT), with La Otra Campaña and the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle and for a life with dignity.
United States
An act in Solidarity in front of the Mexican Consulate in New York, in Solidarity with La Otra Campaña and the EZLN. We demand and end to all aggressions in Atenco.
United States
In San Diego they held a protest in front of the Mexican Consulate organized by the Zapatista Collective of San Diego and La Otra San Diego.
Action in front of the Mexican Embassy in Quito organized by the Hip Hop Collective Dos Balas, adherents to the Zezta Internazional. They also tagged graffiti in the streets of Quito in solidarity with the Peoples Front in Defense of the Land (FPDT) and La Otra Campaña.
3 of May
United States
In San Diego there was the first action held in solidarity with La Otra Campaña and the people of San Salvador Atenco and Texcoco. They initiated a virtual occupation of the web page of Vicente Fox’s government, organized by the Border Zone Hack lab and Electronic Disturbance Theatre.
From different parts of the world we continue to receive messages of solidarity:
- Sindicato Ceramista de Neuquén, Argentina. Obreros de Zanon Bajo Control Obrero
- Colectivo Zapatista Ixim, de Euscal Herria
- Justicia Para Trabajadores y Trabajadoras Migrantes de Vancouver/ Toronto, Canadá
- Red de Apoyo al Chiapas Rebelde
- Movimiento Político 14 de junio de Perú
- Colectivo En La Calle de Argentina
- La Coordinadora Nacional de Defensa del Agua y de la Vida de Bolivia
- La Libertaria (Ateneo Autónomo de Contracultura y Estudios Acratas), CRA (Comisión de Relaciones Anarquistas), la Cooperativa y el Caracol Intergaláctico Venezolano
- El Partido Social-Revolucionario Democrático de Cuba
- El Comité la Otra en Montreal
- Las redes de solidaridad en Argentina.
- La Coordinadora Mirista en Chile
- ASKAPENA en Euskal Herria.
- Col.lectiu de Solidaritat amb la Rebel.lio Zapatista
- El Movimiento de Allegados en Lucha de Chile
- El Colectivo Poder Autónomo en Argentina
We have also received letters in solidarity with the people of Atenco from many compañeros and compañeras under individual title from the following countries: Turkey, Basque Country, Italy, Germany, France, Austria, Belgium, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Canada, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, United States, Cuba and Chile.
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