The Narco News Bulletin

August 15, 2018 | Issue #67 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

Straight Talk About What the School for Authentic Journalism Needs from You

The Kickstarter Campaign Ends This Coming Week, and Only if It Meets the Goal Will the School Receive Your Donation

By Greg Berger
Coordinator, Authentic Journalism Kickstarter Campaign

February 27, 2016
This report appears on the internet at

Hello Friends,

We need your help to fix an urgent problem. If we all work together we can do it.

I have been a part of The School of Authentic Journalism since 2004, when I attended as a scholar. I have directed the Viral Video program at the school since 2010. You may have watched some of the political satire I produce with our team of professors and scholars. The school is important to me.

Last year I became the Director of our Kickstarter campaign. Thanks to your help, last year we raised the funds we needed to hold our best session yet.

We're nearly three weeks into our Kickstarter campaign and there are plenty of reasons to be happy. As of this writing, 168 people have given the School of Authentic Journalism $14,497 towards the $30,000 we need to make the 2016 school happen.

But that also means that we're roughly halfway to our goal with just under a week to go.

We know you understand the importance of The School. We've trained hundreds of journalists and many of them have returned to become professors who are in turn training new generations.

We need you to help us today by doing the following:

Go to the page of our Kickstarter campaign and give something to the school. It really doesn't matter how much. We love $1000 contributions but we also get excited when people give $1. We judge our success by the number of people who want to be involved, not just the quantity of the gift.

Tell people you know about the campaign. It isn't enough to simply post it on social media, although we'd love you to do that. Call someone up that you know and ask them to contribute to the campaign, or write them a personal email asking them to give to the school.

I myself have given to the campaign, and I am asking everyone I know to do the same. If all of us give something to The School and get just ten people that we know to follow suit, we'll have this wrapped up in a few days, and a 2016 School will be guaranteed.

Let's do this! It's too important of an opportunity to pass up.

Here's the link:


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