"; elseif ($lang=='pr') $URL = "Esse artigo foi publicado originalmente na Internet em http://www.narconews.com/artigo.php3?ArtigoID=$ArticleID"; else $URL = "This report appears on the internet at http://www.narconews.com/Issue$EditionNumber/article$ArticleID.html"; $smart_quotes = array("“","”","‘","’","–","—","…","“","”","‘","’","–","—","…","“","”","‘","’","–","—","…"); $dumb_quotes = array("\"","\"","'","'","-","-","...","\"","\"","'","'","-","-","...","\"","\"","'","'","-","-","..."); $Headline = str_replace($smart_quotes,$dumb_quotes,$Headline); $SubHead = str_replace($smart_quotes,$dumb_quotes,$SubHead); $Credit = str_replace($smart_quotes,$dumb_quotes,$Credit); $Body = str_replace($smart_quotes,$dumb_quotes,$Body); // CLEAN OUT COMMONLY USED COLORS $Body = ereg_replace(" color=red","",$Body); $Body = ereg_replace(" color=\"red\"","",$Body); $Body = ereg_replace(" color=gold","",$Body); $Body = ereg_replace(" color=\"gold\"","",$Body); $Body = ereg_replace(" color=D1B90C","",$Body); $Body = ereg_replace(" color=\"D1B90C\"","",$Body); $EndQuote = $myrow["EndQuote"]; } elseif ($ForumID) { $EditionNumber = find_current(); $URL = "This page appears on the internet at http://www.narconews.com/viewcomments.php?ForumID=$ForumID"; $Date = date("Y-m-d"); $Date = en_date($Date); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comment_forums WHERE ForumID = $ForumID"); $Headline = mysql_result($result,0,"ForumName"); $SubHead = "Reader Comments"; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE ForumID=$ForumID AND Approved=1 ORDER BY CommentOrder DESC"); $Body = "

\"First rule, do not bore the readers.\" - Bruno Fallaci

"; while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $Time = date("m/d/y G:i",$myrow["Time"]); $CommBody = text_format($myrow["Body"]); $ReplyBody = text_format($myrow["ReplyBody"]); $Subject = text_format($myrow["Subject"]); $Name = text_format($myrow["Name"]); $Anchor = sprintf("%06d", $myrow["CommentID"]); $Body .= "
Posted By $Name"; if ($HideEmail == 0) $Body .= "$Email"; if ($Country) $Body .= "$Country"; $Body .= " - $Time
"; if ($ReplyBody) $Body .= "
"; $Body .="
Link  Post new comment
"; unset($Country); unset($HideEmail); } } ?> Narco News: <? print $Headline ?>

The Narco News Bulletin

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 narconews.com - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

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