The Narco News Bulletin

August 15, 2018 | Issue #41 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

Demonstration Called in Los Angeles, at Mexican Consulate, for 8 a.m. on Friday

The Other Cinco de Mayo, from Coast to Coast

By Raymundo Reynoso
The Other Campaign on The Other Side

May 4, 2006
This report appears on the internet at

Compañeros and compañeras: We salute the actions and demonstrations rejecting the violence and assassinations committed by the three levels of the Mexican government, of which our brothers and sisters of the heroic people of San Salvador Atenco, who yesterday valiantly confronted the forces of repression, have been victim.

We are well aware that the deaths of two Atenco citizens are now added to those of the miners massacred in Michoacan within the past month, and of all our people who from their different trenches, and throughout history, have also been massacred by the evil governments of our homeland.

Therefore, we announce that tomorrow, Friday the Fifth of May, beginning at 8:00 a.m., outside the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles. (2401 West 6th Street). We will act together with all who join us to denounce the irrational violence committed by the governments of the PAN, PRD and PRI parties against a people that demands that its rights be respected.

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