The Narco News Bulletin

August 15, 2018 | Issue #42 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

Please Help Keep the Narco News Ship Seaworthy for the Journey Ahead

A Letter from Bill Conroy to Narco News Readers

By Bill Conroy
Narco News Correspondent

August 22, 2006
This report appears on the internet at

The world turns constantly, but history turns rarely.

The events unfolding in Mexico in recent months point toward one of those rare turns.

The implications are profound. Will the Mexican people rise up and turn back an illegitimate election? If so, what will follow in the wake of that revolutionary moment?

And from the perspective of people both in the midst of that change, and on the fringes of that change - whether they live in the United States or elsewhere - how will they be kept informed of the reality of the events unfolding on the ground and in the seats of power?

Do you trust the mainstream media to provide you with that insight? Have they done so to date, or has their coverage of the Mexican election been little more than propaganda spoon fed to embassy-bound reporters who are more interested in collecting a paycheck and assuring job security than they are in reporting the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

That is admittedly a loaded question, but readers of Narco News already have formed their opinions on that front, so there is no need to affect the pretense of objectivity concerning the mainstream media's coverage of the impending turn in Mexico's history.

For the mainstream media, history is what they make of it. But for those who understand history, nothing could be further from the truth. History is always made in the wake of the future, and that future is not the property of any media organization or government.

But there are few in the media who are willing to brave the turbulent waters of that wake, because it offers little in the way of compensation other than a rare glimpse of history unfolding.

However, that is what the Narco News team of authentic journalists do daily, and will continue to do going forward - on a very slim budget, in the face of real danger, and with nothing sought in return other than the chance to share with readers a true vision of a turn in history.

But even Narco News needs a vessel to move through this wake of history, and that vessel is the Narco News Web site and the journalists who sail that ship. Rations, equipment and strong sails are needed in this journey if the ship has any hope of remaining afloat in the tempest-tossed waters ahead.

Narco News will be there to make that journey, to send its journalists into Mexico's future, and into the future of all parts of Latin America and the U.S. border, but only if it can keep its ship afloat and, to the extent possible, protected from the broadsides of the enemy ships it is sure to encounter.

The Narco News crew doesn't ask for much. They are not profiteers like the captains of the mainstream media battleships. Rather, they are weather-tested sailors who have embarked on a journey into the seas of change.

You can make a donation to The Fund for Authentic Journalism online to support this work, by clicking on this link:

Or send a check, made out to "The Fund for Authentic Journalism," to this address:

The Fund for Authentic Journalism
P.O. Box 241
Natick, MA 01760

As you know well, kind readers, what lies ahead in those rough seas is the future. And if we want to join Narco News on that quest, to move forward into the future of Mexico, Latin America and the border, with the truth at our sails, we need to help restock the ship for the journey.

So, I ask you, as fellow travelers on this journey, to once more jump into the wake of history together and help give the Narco News ship a strong push into the future.

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