The Narco News Bulletin |
August 15, 2018 | Issue #67 | - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America |
Today's betrayers will not erase our memory: Fourteen years ago we won, today it seems like we lost, but we have to rise again to win, and we already know how to do it.
Today, after fourteen years of this historic struggle, the people's demands are still the same: democracy, transparency, participation and an economic model that allows us all to enjoy the riches that our Mother Earth generously provides for the benefit of all.
Contradictorily, some people who are in government today - and who fought against the big transnational companies, against authoritarianism, against the ruling class' contempt towards our communal ownership models, against corruption and inefficiency in public institutions - have reinstated with these great evils, with "greater efficiency," against which the people of Cochabamba fought with their only weapons in 2000: their bodies, their blood and their dignity.
Today, in our April, our memory must remain intact, our victories have to be repeated and the betrayers condemned by our people.
May we have many more Aprils!
To victory, always!
LaLlajita, April 4,5,6,7,8,9,10, and 11 of 2014
Oscar Olivera Foronda
Textile Union Leader 1980-2010
Spokesman for the "Coordinadora del Agua" in 2000