The Narco News Bulletin

August 15, 2018 | Issue #46 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

Oaxaca "Silent March" Mourns Two Additional Deaths

Governor Again Calls for "Dialogue," plus a Force to Guard the Commercial Guelaguetza

By Nancy Davies
Commentary from Oaxaca

July 19, 2007
This report appears on the internet at

Once again the governor Ulises Ruiz plays it like he wants dialogue, and the bad guys, the APPO and the teachers, are attacking. To avoid further attacks by them, he says, the commercial Guelaguetza will be heavily guarded. The popular movement will not reveal how its proposed boycott will be carried out. Because the APPO functions without leaders, some element of surprise is always possible.

Photos: D.R. 2007 Nancy Davies
One can only wonder who - tourist or sycophant - would show up after the most recent eruption of violence. Human rights organizations are now investigating the use of excessive force on the part of the militarized police forces used against the popular protest on July 16.

All access streets to the zócalo of Oaxaca appeared "blocked" by vendor stalls on Wednesday, July 18. These vendors are not identified by the fluorescent green APPO placards. Some of them seem to offer nearly nothing for sale. At least one, on the corner of Hidalgo and Alcalá, stood empty, a surface with metal bars holding up a canvas roof. A man in civilian clothing with very short hair and a military build sat on the step of the ice cream store next to it.

The APPO marchers "in mourning" on July 18 entered slowly, from the least obstructed direction. They came in silence, carrying photos of Oaxaca's dead and disappeared. As they entered the zócalo, the vendors' music faded away and the usual blaring of videos went quiet. Into the hushed respect of the crowds, thousands from the popular movement made their way toward the kiosko. Then it became apparent that, with everyone focused on a silent march, nobody had remembered to bring loudspeakers for the rally.

The crowd, however, needed none. Although the voices from the stage were hard to hear, the crowd of several thousand shouted, sang, and raised their fists in salute to the struggle.

The mourning march was called to observe the confrontation on July 16, when adherents to the popular movement attempted to enter Fortin Hill to hold the popular Guelaguetza. Two deaths resulted, adding to about twenty-four movement people killed since June of 2006. The march set out at 4:00 natural time, with black-clad sympathizers walking from Llano Park to the zócalo.

As reported previously, on Monday, July 16, the day of the popular Guelaguetza, protesters approached Fortin Hill to hold the people's celebration. Police-military barricades denied them entry. The guards in riot gear, by order of the governor and the president of Mexico, blocked access for thousands who marched toward the auditorium. According to the document produced by the Mexican League for Human Rights, some marchers refused to be deterred by the troops, and continued to advance. In fact, many had announced the previous day that they intended to go to the sealed auditorium. Although they approached peacefully, tear gas and stones were launched directly at them by the Oaxaca Municipal Police, the Federal Preventive Police, the Elite Police of the Mexican Army, the Federal Investigation Agency, and the Bank and Industrial Police. Two marchers were killed.

The battle ended with 40 arrested, 26 men and four women. Six minors were released from custody the following day. Four wounded officially received medical attention. The Space for Civil Organizations, which put out a bulletin, documented 22 detained who do not appear on the official lists of the State, five hospitalized, and dozens intoxicated by the gas. Many people, mindful of police abuse, worry about the fate of the four imprisoned women.

The photos in Wednesday's Noticias clearly show that one person, a 51 year old teacher, was arrested and taken behind a wire enclosure where he was severely beaten by police. After being rescued from his assailants by a member of the Preventive Police, Emeterio Merino Cruz Vásquez was then taken to prison, where he lapsed into a coma. After being transferred to two hospitals he died from ruptured intestines, presumably caused by an exploding gas grenade.

The second death, of Raymundo Torres, was also caused by an exploding canister. His death was confirmed by radio at 21:45 (9:45 PM). It was also reported that two members of the human rights organization Committee for the Liberation of Detainees of November 25 were badly injured. Jesús Alfredo López García was detained by police as he tried to leave the scene of the violence. He was forced into an unmarked open pickup truck by men in civilian clothing, and was severely beaten by a policeman, who told him, te vas a morir (you are going to die). When witnesses began taking pictures he was released, and the Red Cross took him to a hospital in an ambulance. He was treated for deep gashes on his head.

The authorities have not charged him with any offense.

Cesár Grijalva, who also works with the November 25 Committee was returning to the Committee office when five uniformed policemen tried to arrest him. He says that one policeman twisted his arm behind his back and slashed his wrist with a piece of broken glass, causing him to bleed heavily. He fell to his knees, and the policeman released him. Two passers-by helped him reach a hospital where his wrist was operated on. He was not charged with any offense.

The APPO has declared marches to take place on alternate days this week, the next one for Friday, July 20. The wreath commemorating the dead was placed on the kiosko. Human rights groups, local and international, once again call for investigations.

The government office of communications issued an official list of detained persons:

Detained Men:

1.- Roberto Carlos Avendaño Ruiz, 20 years

2.- Melquicedec Pérez Reyes, 19 years

3.- Joaquín Vicente Cruz, 62 years

4.- Eduardo García Hernández, 27 years

5.- Mario Enríquez Martínez, 50 years

6.- Eliel González Luna, 55 years

7.- Héctor Emanuel Cruz Gómez, 22 years,

8.- Jorge Luis Esperón Cortés 36 years

9.- Jesús Aurelio Flores Flores, 32 years

10.- Eloy Antonio Santiago, 67 years

11.- Luciano Victoriano Benítez, 25 years

12.- Mario Javier López Herrera, 19 years

13.- René Gómez Ruiz, 23 years

14.- Juan Diego García López, 22 years

15.- Olivo Martínez Sánchez 26 years

16.- Eleazar Abel Núñez Peña, 26 years

17.- José Francisco García Martínez 20 years

18.- Eduardo Albino Piñón González, 19 years

19.- Manuel Morales Guamatzi, 29 years

20.- Francisco Javier Ruiz Pérez, 41 years

21.- Julio Alberto Ortiz López, 39 years

22.- Gonzalo González López, 21 years

23.- Ramiro Díaz García, 29 years

24.- Raúl Genaro Hernández López, 49 years

25.- Leonardo Santiago Vásquez, 49 years

26.- Edgar Francisco Ortega Cruz, 21 years

Detained Women:

27.- María Guadalupe Sibaja Ortiz, 20 years

28.- Silvia Gabriela Hernández Salinas, 24 years

29.- Belén Areli Hernández Juárez, 20 years

30.- Isabel Martínez Hernández, 19 years

Detained Minors (released):

31.- Juan Manuel Ríos Orozco, 16 years

32.- Fernando Victoriano Benítez, 15 years

33.- Rodrigo Moreno Galindo, 17 years

34.- Rodrigo Martínez Antonio, 15 years

35.- Javier Abimael Luis García 15 years

36.- Carlos Hernández López, 17 years

Detained wounded who were receiving medical attention:

37.- Jorge Luis Martínez, 49 years

38.- Emeterio Merino Cruz , 51 years; who died

39.- Edilbeto Yescas Aguilar

40.- Pablo Pérez Hernández 22 years

List of detained, documented by the Space for Civil Organizations of Oaxaca, which do not appear on the government's official list:


1. Sergio Jair Martínez Julian

2. Genaro Hernández Martínez

3. Jorge Luís Martínez

4. José López Martínez

5. Eliel González

6. Jesús López Martínez

7. Juan Carlos Cruz

8. Edilberto Yescas Aguilar

9. Pablo Pérez Hernández

10. Constantino Martínez Sánchez

11. Saúl Martínez Pérez

12. Ignacio Martínez Pérez

13. Armando Agustín Carriedo Chávez

14. Carlos Jair Martínez

15. María de Lourdes Hernández Hernández (38 years)

16. Patzi García Hernández (15 years)

17. Monserrat García Hernández (13 years)

18. Omar García Hernández

19. Concepción García Velasco

20. Rodrigo Getzemaní Martínez (15 years)

21. Joaquín Israel Vicente Cruz

22. Julio Alberto Ortiz

Wounded Persons Taken to the Civil Hospital:

1. Emeterio Cruz

2. Alfredo García López (Lawyer for the November 25 Committee)

3. César Grijalva (with the November 25 Committee)

4. Profesor Elvira "N"

5. Rodolfo "N"

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