The Narco News Bulletin

August 15, 2018 | Issue #41 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

The Bogotá Connection on WNUR

Listen to the Interview with Narco News Journalist Bill Conroy on Corruption of U.S. Agents in Colombia from Chuck Mertz' This Is Hell Radio Program

WNUR 89.3 Chicago

May 26, 2006
This report appears on the internet at

On May 6, Narco News correspondent Bill Conroy was a guest on Chuck Mertz' radio program This Is Hell. Conroy spoke about the continuing investigation in this newspaper to uncover the truth about allegations that agents from the Drug Enforcement Administration and others on the U.S. government payroll have collaborated with Colombian drug traffickers and paramilitairies. The recorded show is now available at the This Is Hell online archive.

This Is Hell is broadcast every Saturday from 9 am to 12:45 pm on WNUR 89.3 in Chicago. It can also be heard online by going to the This Is Hell website. In the past year, Mertz' guests have included British Member of Parliament George Galloway; Palestinian MP Dr. Mustafa Barghouti; Ambassador Joseph Wilson; Jeffrey Sachs, Special Advisor to United Nations Secretary General Kofi Anan; the original oil-for-food director Denis Halliday; Ambassador Thomas Graham; Captain James Yee, the Muslim chaplain stationed at the Guantanamo detention facility who was wrongfully charged with espionage; FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds; and Paul Craig Roberts, who served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration.

The program can be downloaded here as an MP3 or listened to here as a RealAudio stream. Conroy's interview begins one hour 13 minutes into the broadcast.

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