The Narco News Bulletin

August 16, 2018 | Issue #37 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

Not Enough

Your Donation Is Still Needed Today for Narco News Summer J-School

By Al Giordano
Correspondent, Narco News

May 11, 2005
This report appears on the internet at

Dear Colleague: If you are one of the dedicated readers who responded to my fund appeal last week, thank you.

If you have not yet given, please do.

If you missed that urgent appeal, to keep Narco News publishing and allow us to take on new Authentic Journalism scholars this summer, you can read it here.

Thanks for your generosity in the past and in advance. We very much need it right now. We already have super candidates for Narco News scholarships writing us but still have few spaces to put them this summer. For that we need more donations..

I had hoped to announce new scholarships today and explain how to apply to work with us in the Summer of 05.

But we need one more push to be able to do it.

One more push, that is all.

Give today and I will have good news for you next week.

Please send your check today to:

The Fund for Authentic Journalism
P.O. Box 241
Natick, MA 01760

Or make an online donation right now via:

Thanks again,

From somewhere in... Mèxico,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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