The Narco News Bulletin

August 15, 2018 | Issue #62 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

Dear Santa: Donate to The School of Authentic Journalism, Please

Can You Fill Your Sack with the Recorders, Cameras, and Pencils that Citizens and Journalists Need to Document Civil Resistance?

By Kara Newhouse
School of Authentic Journalism, Class of 2010

December 10, 2009
This report appears on the internet at

Dear Santa,

Kara Newhouse
This Christmas, could you please use Rudolph's gleaming nose to illuminate the stories of people from Honduras to Afghanistan who are opposing military dictatorships and occupations? Can you fill your sack with the recorders, cameras, and pencils that citizens and journalists need to document actions like unionists blocking entrances to Mexico City in protest of the closing government-owned Luz y Fuerza electrical company? And instead of sending coal to naughty kids, why not expose the political murders of anti-mining organizers who are resisting Canadian and U.S. corporations' harmful extraction projects in Latin American communities? That is what I want for Christmas.

Love, Kara

If Santa looked like Al Giordano, perhaps my Christmas wishes would come true. In February Al and his team at Narco News will be hosting the School for Authentic Journalism, a ten-day workshop for "up-and-coming journalists of talent and conscience [that] trains them to be better, faster and more coherent at the practice of independent journalism." At this training in Mexico, students like myself will develop our skills for reporting real people's stories-in contrast to mainstream journalism that naturalizes violence and protects the interests of elites. You, too, will be able to view many of the awesome sessions via online videos.

To make possible the school and the democratic media it nurtures, I ask you to donate to the Fund for Authentic Journalism today. We are halfway to our goal of $40,000. All donations are matched by the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict. Please support our important work of reporting from below!

To donate directly to my scholarship, or those of any other participants in the 2010 school, please click on the links below our biographies here. Thank you!

In solidarity, Kara Newhouse

Please contribute today, online, at this link:

Or send a check to:

The Fund for Authentic Journalism
PO Box 241
Natick, MA 01760 USA

Thank You,

Kara Newhouse
School of Authentic Journalism, Class of 2010

Please support Kara's scholarship via this link:

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