The Narco News Bulletin

August 16, 2018 | Issue #32 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

A Letter from Colleen Glynn

"No Other News Source Provides More Verifiably Honest Reporting"

By Colleen Glynn
Narco News Copublisher

March 1, 2004
This report appears on the internet at

Please Distribute Widely

Gentle Readers:

I am writing this letter to you on behalf of something I feel is very dear to all of us - the continued existence of and the training of Authentic Journalists.

I know of no other news source - be it print, radio, TV or the Internet - that provides more up-to-the-minute and verifiably honest reporting on issues concerning Latin America and the so-called war on drugs than our own NarcoNews.

What is it worth to us to have this resource flourish and extend its expertise to the training of more Authentic Journalists?

What is it worth to us to sponsor and participate in a new model of journalism and democracy?

I want you to think about those questions, seriously. We are at an historical crossroads with a unique chance to encourage and develop the evolution of democracy. It is time for those of us who have been marginalized and disenfranchised to stand up against those who would keep us down. Every one of us has a stake in this historic moment and I know you won't want to miss this opportunity.

Ourselves, our children and our grandchildren will live to reap what we have sown here - each of us contributing what we can to something that could literally change the world.

We can each do our part with a contribution to The Fund for Authentic Journalism, toward the work of the Narco News School of Authentic Journalism, via this PayPal link.

Or we can send a check to:

The Fund for Authentic Journalism
P.O. Box 71051
Madison Heights, MI 48071 USA

It isn't often we get a chance like this, so please take advantage of your moment in history and make a donation to the Fund for Authentic Journalism today. It doesn't need to be thousands of dollars, whatever amount you can comfortably give will be well-used. The future of democracy depends on you!

In Solidarity from Canada,

Colleen Glynn

Link to donate in response to the Colleen Glynn Letter on behalf of the School of Authentic Journalism:

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