The Narco News Bulletin

August 15, 2018 | Issue #67 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

Here Is the Route and Guidelines for Sunday's Anti-Peña Nieto March in Mexico

After the successful first mobilization, citizen groups and the "YoSoy132" movement call a demonstration to inform the population

By Isadora Bonilla
Special to The Narco News Bulletin

June 7, 2012
This report appears on the internet at

On Sunday, June 10, the Mexican movement known as "YoSoy132" will participate together with the convening organization "Enrique Peña NO" in the "Second March of Anti Peña Nieto Information." The first occurred when tens of thousands marched through the streets on May 19. They expressed their rotund opposition to the imposition by the commercial media and the Federal Elections Institute of the candidacy of Enrique Peña Nieto as the presumed winner of the July 1 presidential election.

The May 19 march and the rest of the "Yo Soy 132" ("I Am 132") movement's actions have had a profound impact on Mexican society: while Peña Nieto falls rapidly in the polls, the TV duopoly of Televisa and TV Azteca are on the defensive and millions of citizens who had been resigned to another fraudulent election have found new hope and have risen up together with the students to say "enough already."

The national march on Sunday will converge from two routes:

• At noon from the Zocalo in Mexico City the "Second March of Anti Peña Nieto Information" will head toward the Angel of Independence.

• At 10:30 a.m. a contingent of the YoSoy132 movement's Arts Commission will head out from the Casco de Santo Tomás, near Metro Station Normal, toward the Zocalo, in memory of the June 10, 1971 massacre in which government and paramilitary squads massacred 120 students who had marched peacefully against the PRI government. That massacre is today known as "El Halconazo."

Both marches will converge at the Zocalo and then march to the Angel of Independence, where demonstrators will watch, together, the broadcast of the second presidential debate (which, thanks to the pressure of the student movement will be aired by the Televisa and TV Azteca duopoly) at 6 p.m., according to the movement's web page,

According to the march's Facebook page, simultaneous protests have been organized in at least 52 cities and towns throughout the Mexican Republic.

There, these words appear:

We will march with placards, megaphones, banners, etcetera, making evident to all of society all the errors, goof-ups, evil governance, repression, corruption and other messes by Peña Nieto. We will tell the truth since the traditional media of television and newspapers refuse to broadcast it... Together we will demonstrate our rejection of the most repressive and corrupt party in the country and it's candidate, a plastic puppet!

All who attend the march pledge to:

• Attend on Sunday, June 10, 2012 in the Zocalo without any partisan political displays. The recommendation is to dress in black.

• Not engage in any prosletism in favor of any candidate or party. This means not wearing the colors associated with political parties, images that allude to the candidates, cheers for any of their names, etcetera.

• March PEACEFULLY and on the indicated route.

• Remain in only one lane of traffic so as to not impede the travel of vehicles.

• Respect all who attend the march, pedestrians and vehicles along its path, irregardless of their political inclinations. There will be some guides during the march solely to indicate what that means, but we trust in your civility and if we act according to these guidelines everything should happen exactly as it is planned.

• Do not respond to any provocations by infiltrating groups nor occur in acts of vandalism or violence, such as taking down, damaging or destroying campaign signs. We must not damage any public services.

• Do not bring your voter ID of the Federal Elections Institute nor expensive objects of value that could be robbed or a target of provocations.

• Expose vandals and people who occur in acts of violence. If this occurs we suggest stopping the march and sitting down with arms crossed around the violent person, filming and taking photographs. This is how we will expose the aggressor.

• Deliver any person who conducts acts of vandalism or violence to the authorities.

• Inform the people of the truth about candidate Enrique Peña Nieto: his errors, goof-ups, evil governing, inexperience, ignorance, etcetera.

• Inform about the dishonest news by media companies bought by the PRI party (like Televisa) that have edited or ommitted relevant information that would expose the true face of Peña Nieto.

• In the event that any of these cited agreements are violated, retreat from the march.

The Organizers

Facebook page of the March:

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