The Narco News Bulletin

August 15, 2018 | Issue #48 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

We're Almost There: Please Donate Before the New Year and Keep Authentic Journalism Alive

Just $1,400 Needed to Reach Our 2007 Fundraising Goal

By Dan Feder
Editor-in-Chief, Narco News

December 19, 2007
This report appears on the internet at

Dear Colleague:

If you have been holding out on sending your donation to the Narco News 2007 fund drive, now is really the time to act. The year is coming to a close, and we are very close to our goal. Just $1,400 more will push those little glowing bars to the top and allow your team of authentic journalists to start a new year secure in the knowledge that we have the resources we need to keep reporting on the drug war and democracy from Latin America.

The investigation that Narco News has been carrying out on the mysterious plane crash on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula is a great example of what you'll be supporting. With the two stories already published (and others in the works), Bill Conroy has revealed more about the drug plane's connections to U.S. law enforcement agencies than anyone else, breaking ground in a story most would have considered impossible to write. His stories on the issue have already been cited by two of the hemisphere's most influential Spanish-language newspapes: El Tiempo of Colombia and El Nuevo Herald of Miami. Two former DEA agents have praised his work on this story on the Expert Witness radio show.

It's the kind of investigative journalism that is all but dead in the commercial media... and that you can keep going by making a quick donation, of any size, to The Fund for Authentic Journalism.

As you know, thanks to the Angelica Foundation and Narco News readers and supporters George Salzman, Robert Eisenberg and Ryan Reid, your donation will be matched. So if you donate $50, Narco News will receive $100. If you donate $100, we get $200. Your donation this year means more than ever...

So, if you've been putting it off, waiting to see how well we were doing on the fund drive before donating, or for any other reason, please don't wait any longer - go to the Fund for Authentic Journalism website today:

Or make your donation quick and online by visiting:

The Fund for Authentic Journalism
PO Box 241
Natick, MA 01760 (United States)

Let's make it happen!

Dan Feder
Editor-in-Chief, Narco News

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