The Narco News Bulletin

August 15, 2018 | Issue #67 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

Reward Yourself and Make a Bilingual School Happen!

Lots of great prizes still available to donors who push the campaign for Authentic Journalism towards its new extended goal.

By Greg Berger

March 12, 2017
This report appears on the internet at

Nearly 20 kinds of rewards are still available for donors to The School of Authentic Journalism, including framed photographic prints of stunning work by the school's photography professors, writing and tech services at amazing prices, and a made-to-order meal from Authentic Journalism's most renowned chef. When you choose these prizes from the school's Kickstarter page you can get something great for a bargain price, donated or made by members of our team, while putting the new, extended goal of $70,000 within reach.

More than 290 heroes have ensured that a 2017 School of Authentic Journalism will happen. And while there is cause for celebration, we're not stopping yet.

Authentic Journalism T-Shirts Now Available

Since 2014 we have held a session each year exclusively for Spanish speakers in Mexico. But these days, there is an urgent demand among English speakers for training in the skills and strategies of covering organized movements. We'd like to extend the duration and size of the school in order to accommodate English speakers from the U.S. and around the world. We know from experience how great a bilingual school can be. But to host more than twice the number of people, and extend the length of the program, we need to raise more than twice what we have now. Even if we don't reach our extended goal, all additional funds will be used to do some kind of training session for English speakers, to be determined once our campaign is over.

We think you'll agree that a great way to get us to our new goal is to take advantage of the fabulous rewards we have...before they run out!

Get a meal with School founder Al Giordano

Let's start with the prize-of-prizes available to donors who give $500 or more: A multi-course, made-to-order meal cooked by master chef and School founder Al Giordano in a private home in Mexico City for you and up to four guests. We've got more than a few witnesses to attest to how great a chef Al is: Over the years, hundreds of alumni and professors from around the world have had the good fortune to taste his cooking at the Narco Newsroom. In this case though, Al will cook you something special based on your requests and dietary preferences. Mexico City is own of the greatest cities in the world, and this meal can be the crowning jewel of your visit to the Mexican capital.

If spending time in one of Mexico City's legendary cantinas is your thing, Al's got something else for you: He'll take you and up to four friends to one of the town's best watering holes and invite you for drinks for up to two hours...on his dime! This prize can be yours for a gift of $250 or more to the School of Authentic Journalism.

If you know Al, you probably know about his immensely popular newsletter Al Giordano's America, a subscription-only electronic publication providing detailed analysis on U.S. electoral politics, community organizing, and the occasional review of a Marvel superhero movie (sometimes all in the same paragraph!) You can receive the newsletter for a gift of $70 or more, and while the campaign lasts, Al has a special offer to donors: If you requested a reward for a donation of less than $70, you can increase your pledge to $70, keep your original reward, and also receive the newsletter if you send an email to Al at If you already receive the newsletter, you can request a guest subscription to the person of your choice.

If you're wondering what to wear to dinner or out for drinks with Al, (or anyhere, for that matter) we've got the perfect suggestion! Our School's social directors, Tiberio Tinarelli and Maia Facen, realized that the school could use a T-Shirt. So they've printed a limited supply of just 40 shirts with the 2017 School logo on it, available in all adult sizes. You can get yours for just $55, if you pledge soon.

Three members of the Authentic Journalism team are offering books this year which we think you'll love. Bill Conroy, known by Narco News readers for years as the publication's top investigative journalist. Bill blew the lid off the infamous case of meticulously documented U.S. government complicity to murder in the Mexican Drug War, known as "The House of Death" case. Bill's reporting was mimicked by journalists across the U.S., and his reporting changed the way many people in the U.S. think about The Drug War. Bill has now written a science fiction novel called "The Sonet Walker," and a paperback edition can be yours for just a $30 gift to the school. "The Sonet Walker" is a thriller about a teenage girl with unique powers, threatened by a tyrannical regime in the near-future that maintains control over society through a social network called "Sonet." You don't want to miss it!

Libro de poesía de Alejandra Collado

If you read Spanish, we've got two very unique books available in Spanish. "Mudanzas descarnadas," by Alejandra Collado, Class of 2016, is a collection of her work written between 1998 and 2015. In her own words, it consists of "Poetry, anecdotes, and messages returned to sender; recollections of fleeting moments before they are forgotten, and memories of times of transformation and triumph." The book is available for $40.

Authentic Journalism Professor Augusto Mora is one of Mexico's best-known emerging comic book artists. His satirical graphic novel, "Fuertes Declaraciones" (Strong Statements) skewers the authoritarianism and corruption that has been associated with the presidency of Mexico for generations. A limited number of autographed copies of the book are available for $50.

Beautiful high-quality prints of photographs taken by professors and alumni of the school are available. Photo prints available include Rodrigo Jardón's gorgeous work in the Palestinian territories, detailed portrait work from Professor Antonio Hernández and 2016 graduate Ilse González, and the candid Mexico City street images captured by Memo Bautista, Class of 2016 for his publication, "The Asphalt Chronicles."

You can get these prints for donations starting as low as $80. Donors at a higher level can receive framed copies of the prints.

Get beautiful prints by our professors and alumni

That's a lot of rewards still available, but as they say on TV, "Wait, there's more!"

Need a piece edited for style and content? Want something written for your organization? Journalist Rachel Alembakis will provide you with two hours of writing services for a gift of $50 or more. As Rachel said when she made her generous offer, "No job too big or too small!" Bilingual programmer and web specialist Juan Jose Olivera also has a service to provide. Need a new web page? Juan José can hook you up! He speaks Spanish and English and will get the basics of your new site up and running from his base of operations in Bolivia for a gift of $200 or more.

And last but not least...I've got a couple of things for you from the production headquarters of "El Joe T. Hodo Show!"

Presidente Gringoyo mug

When I'm not spearheading the School's Kickstarter campaign, or planning for the school together with our Director Fabiola Rocha and with Al, I produce Mexico's only comedy talk show about Mexico's most exceptional artists and community organizers. Hosted by nefarious Texas oilman Joe T. Hodo, (who rumors say is a real person.) Joe travels throughout Mexico to meet the people who stand in the way of his ambitious bid to become Mexico's first Gringo President. Joe tries to push them aside or buy them off, but poor Joe just digs a bigger hole for himself with each passing episode as his guests out-talk and outwit him.

For $20 you can be on the select list of people who get a private link to each new episode on YouTube...before it is made available to the general public. And for $50 you can get a cup of the form of a "Gringoyo Presidente" coffee mug lampooning Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto's much-criticized appearance on the cover of TIME magazine.

So, friends, as much as we love your participation in this project for lofty and selfless reasons, be selfish! indulge yourself...and take advantage of the great deals we have on rewards still available on our Kickstarter page:

Pledge to the school's Kickstarter campaign here.

Grab yourself one of these rewards while they're still available!

Greg Berger
on behalf of
The School of Authentic Journalism

Still here? We've got a post-credits scene for you, or better said, a postscript...

Rumor has it that there is a box of 2017 School of Authentic Journalism coffee mugs that is still unaccounted for! Could there be more floating around?

Stay tuned...

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