The Narco News Bulletin

August 15, 2018 | Issue #41 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

San Blas Leader Assassinated in Oaxaca

Faustino Acevedo Bailon, Treasurer of the Town's Rebel Government, Murdered as He Prepared to Leave for Today's National Indigenous Congress

By the Popular Autonomous Town Council
San Blas Atempa

May 5, 2006
This report appears on the internet at

To All Adherents to the Sixth Declaration and to the Other Campaign:
To Delegate Zero
To the Mexican People

Brothers and Sisters:

This afternoon, May 4th, 2006, at about 7:00 in the evening, our friend in struggle, and treasurer of the autonomous town council, Faustino Acevedo Bailon, was assassinated. He was on his way to his house to get his luggage, before leaving for the 4th National Indigenous Congress, that would be taking place May 5th and 6th, in the state of Mexico.

According to his family members, the assassins were waiting for him close to his home, where they began shooting at him when he arrived. In the confrontation, there was a struggle during which Faustino, who was already injured, was able to get the gun away from one of the assassins, using it to injure him. (The injured man was later taken to the Civic Hospital in Salina Cruz).

There are claims that the assassin and Faustino both fell to the ground, as did the weapon, but that the other assassin began to shoot at Faustino. This second man later took off running, and at this time, there is no information about him or his whereabouts.

We are putting out a call to all Other Campaign adherents asking for your help, support, and participation so that we can stay united in this struggle against the repression and harassment by our incompetent government.


Popular Autonomous Town Council
Zapotec, Blaseña Civic Resistance
San Blas Atempa, Oaxaca. México

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