The Narco News Bulletin

August 15, 2018 | Issue #43 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

A Proposed Calendar from the Sixth Commission of the EZLN for the Continuation of the Tour

Proposals Requested for Activities, Meeting Sites, Lodging and Food

By the Sixth Commission of the EZLN
The Other Mexico

September 17, 2006
This report appears on the internet at

Sixth Commission of the EZLN.

September 16, 2006.

To the adherents to the Sixth Declaration and the Other Campaign:
To the people of Mexico:

Compañeros and compañeras:

We present to you the dates and a first proposal for an itinerary for the northern states of the Mexican Republic that we will tour in the coming months of October and November.

We respectfully request that the adherents in these various states and regions, based on this calendar, make their proposals to us for activities and meeting sites, and for lodging and food (when possible; if not, well, don't worry about it).


Sunday, October 8 in Tepic, Nayarit.
Monday 10/9: Escuinapa and Mazatlán (spending the night in Mazatlán or Culiacán).
Tuesday 10/10: Mazatlán - Culiacán (spending the night in Culiacán).
Wednesday, 10/11: Culiacán - Los Mochis (spending the night in Los Mochis).
Thursday 10/12: Los Mochis (taking the night ferry across to La Paz, Baja California Sur).
Friday 10/13: La Paz - Los Cabos (spending the night in Los Cabos or La Paz).
Sábado 10/14: La Paz (spending the night in La Paz).
Domingo 10/15: Travel to Baja California Norte (spending the night in Guerrero Negro or on the road).
Monday 10/16: San Quintín, with the Kumiai, Cucapás, Triquis and Mixtecs (spending the night there or in Ensenada).
Tuesday 10/17: Ensenada - Tijuana (spending the night in Ensenada or Tijuana)
Wednesday 10/18: Tijuana (spending the night in Tijuana).
Thursday 10/19: Tijuana, meeting with all the compas and La Raza adherents who live, work and struggle north of the Rio Grande (spending the night in Tijuana).
Friday 10/20: Mexicali (spending the night in Mexicali).
Saturday 10/21: Travel to Santa Ana, Sonora, with the Pápago people (spending the night with the Pápagos).
Sunday 10/22: Hermosillo -Tiburón Island, with the Seris (spending the night with the Seris).
Monday 10/23: Hermosillo (spending the night in Hermosillo).
Tuesday 10/24: Hermosillo - Kipor, with the Pimas (spending the night with the Pimas).
Wednesday 10/25: Guaymas (spending the night in Guaymas).
Thursday 10/26: Ciudad Obregón, with the Yaquis and Mayos.
Friday 10/27: Alamos, with the Mayos (spending the night in Los Mochis).
Saturday 10/28: Travel by train to Creel Station - Sisoguchi, Chihuahua, with the Rarámuris (spending the night with the Rarámuris).
Sunday 10/29: Travel by train to Chihuahua (spending the night in Chihuahua).
Monday 10/30: Chihuahua (spending the night in Chihuahua or Ciudad Juárez).
Tuesday 10/31: Ciudad Juárez (spending the night in Ciudad Juárez).


Wednesday 11/1: Ciudad Juárez, meeting with all the compas and La Raza adherents who live, work and struggle north of the Rio Grande (spending the night in Ciudad Juárez).
Thursday 11/2: Travel to Chihuahua - Hidalgo del Parral (spending the night in Chihuahua o Parral).
Friday 11/3: Parral (spending the night in Parral or in La Laguna).
Saturday 11/4: Travel to the Lagunera region (Gómez Palacios, Lerdo, Torreón, San Pedro de Las Colonias) (spending the night in Laguna).
Sunday 11/5: Laguna - Durango (spending the night in Laguna or Durango).
Monday 11/6: Travel to Zacatecas (spending the night in Zacatecas).
Tuesday 11/7: Zacatecas (spending the night in Zacatecas).
Wednesday 11/8: Zacatecas (spending the night in Zacatecas).
Thursday 11/9: Zacatecas (spending the night in Zacatecas).
Friday 11/10: Zacatecas (spending the night in Zacatecas).
Saturday 11/11: Travel to the capital city of San Luis Potosí (spending the night in en SLP).
Sunday 11/12: San Luis Potosí (spending the night in SLP).
Monday 11/13: Travel to the SLP highlands (spending the night in Charcas, SLP).
Tuesday 11/14: Travel to Monterrey, Nuevo León (spending the night in Monterrey).
Wedndesday 11/15: Monterrey (spending the night in Monterrey).
Thursday 11/16: Linares (spending the night in Linares o Monterrey).
Friday 11/17: Monterrey (spending the night in Monterrey).
Saturday 11/18: Saltillo, Coahuila (spending the night in Saltillo).
Sunday 11/19: Monclova (spending the night in Monclova).
Monday 11/20: Nueva Rosita- Pasta de Conchos (spending gthe night in Nueva Rosita or Monclova).
Tuesday 11/21: Travel to Monterrey (spending the night in Monterrey).
Wednesday 11/22: Travel to Matamoros, Tamaulipas (spendning the night in Matamoros).
Thursday 11/23: Matamoros (spending the night in Matamoros).
Friday 11/24: Ciudad Victoria (spending the night in Ciudad Victoria).
Saturday 11/25: Altamira Conurbation - Tampico - Ciudad Madero (spending the night in Huasteca).
Sunday 11/26: Huasteca Potosina.
Monday 11/27: Huasteca Potosina.
Tuesday 11/28: Huasteca Potosina.
Wednesday 11/29: Travel to Mexico City
Thursday 11/30: Mexico City

NOTE: The dates and routs may suffer modifications depending on the state of roads and means of transport.

A salute to all of you from your comrades in struggle.

Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee-General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation.
Sixth Commission of the EZLN.

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