The Narco News Bulletin

August 15, 2018 | Issue #43 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

"Thanks to Narco News, Positive Changes Have Taken Place"

A Letter to Readers from Former Customs Investigator Miguel Angel Contreras

By Miguel Angel Contreras
Founder and Former Chairman, Federal Hispanic Law Enforcement Officers Association

October 10, 2006
This report appears on the internet at

"When even one American-who has done nothing wrong-is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril."

- Harry S. Truman

I was introduced to Narco News by journalist Bill Conroy and asked to become a co-publisher. I accepted the invitation even though I was still employed by the Legacy US Customs Service, and I introduced myself to my fellow Narco News co-publishers.

I retired from federal law enforcement service on October 3, 2006. Since I no longer work for "Uncle Sam," I guess now it is time to formally introduce myself to you. I have always strived to be a consummate no-nonsense law enforcement and security management expert. I also have a long career as theologian and minister, while also being a driving force in numerous coalitions crossing ideological, cultural and religious boundaries. I am the founder and former chairman of the Federal Hispanic Law Enforcement Officers Association and the founder and a chaplain of the International Order of St. Luke the Physician -Yuma Hispanic Section. For over 27 years I served with distinction as a supervisory criminal investigator and as a journeyman criminal investigator with federal law enforcement agencies, such as the US Department of Homeland Security's Bureau of Immigration & Customs Enforcement, US Customs Service's Offices of Investigations and Internal Affairs, US Drug Enforcement Administration, US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms, US Immigration & Naturalization Service, and US Defense Investigative Service. I can tell you that thanks to Narco News, positive changes have taken place at certain government agencies such as the US Department of Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

I know that millions of people enjoy reading the "Real Thing" in Narco News. This media source has no hidden political agendas, but wishes only to tell the truth and to expose what needs to be exposed. However, for the most part business continues as usual in Washington unless something big happens such as a terrorist attack or a natural disaster, and even then, more time is spent "finger-pointing" than addressing the real problem. We still have a lot of work to do.

Narco News and the Narcosphere, in addition to reporting the truth and the facts, also fight for the rights of people and journalists across Latin America to live and report freely, without fear of reprisals. As a nonprofit, nonpartisan newspaper, Narco News relies solely on contributions from individuals and foundations to carry out this important work. In order to preserve this independence, Narco News does not accept any paid advertising or government grants or support of any kind.

Donations, particularly by individuals like you, make it possible to investigate, publicize, and protest attacks on freedom and democracy throughout North and South America. Narco News responds whenever one of its journalists is in peril, assisting them with urgent needs, such as emergency evacuation, resettlement, medicine, and legal defense. Narco News publishes articles, news releases and special reports that have induced governments and commercial media to take immediate action once the "cat is out of the bag."

You can make a donation online, by visiting the website of The Fund for Authentic Journalism:

Or mail your donation to:

The Fund for Authentic Journalism
P.O. Box 241
Natick, MA 01760

Every report authored and distributed, every campaign undertaken to free jailed journalists and political prisoners, along with Narco News' work in countries where journalists and people are in distress, are all funded entirely by donations and gifts from supporters. Your contribution will make a crucial difference in the lives of embattled people throughout the Western Hemisphere.

Miguel Angel Contreras PhD, CPP, CFE

Read Miguel Angel Contreas' Reporter's Notebook in the Narcosphere.

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