The Narco News Bulletin

August 16, 2018 | Issue #37 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

Un espacio de cambio, un espacio de construcción

Un abrazo desde Caracas para Narco News

Por Blanca Eekhout
Presidenta de Venezolana de Televisión y Vive TV

18 de abril 2005
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A Space for Change, a Space for Building
(Editor's translation)

A big hug to all the compañeros and compañeras at Narco News, and to all the people that have made possible that space for gathering, that space for building another world through a journalism that in some way takes responsibility for life and for what it does. A big hug to Al Giordano, who has built dreams, and made them a reality. For me it was an extraordinary experience to know the whole team of people that make Narco News possible every day. Happy Birthday, and may you continue for many, many more years doing new journalism.

- Blanca Eekhout, graduate of the 2003 Narco News School of Authentic Journalism, founding member of Caracas's pioneering Catia TVe community television station, and currently president of Venezuelan public television channels VTV and Vive TV

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