The Narco News Bulletin

August 15, 2018 | Issue #40 - Reporting on the Drug War and Democracy from Latin America

National Day of Action Against Police Brutality

By Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos
Zapatista Army of National Liberation

March 10, 2006
This report appears on the internet at



March 2, 2006

To all adherents to the Sixth Declaration and the Other Campaign:

Compañeros and compañeras:

At 8:50 pm, March 2, 2006, in a meeting in the Other Tepejí del Río, in the Other Hidalgo, the collectives, groups, organizations and individuals that form the Other Campaign in the state of Hidalgo and the Sixth Commission of the EZLN agreed on the following:

FIRST: We express our solidarity and support: to the compañeros and compañeras of the Other Chiapas who suffer persecution and hostility from the state government; to the noble indigenous Zapotec people of San Blas Atempa, Oaxaca that suffer from police aggression led by caciques (local political bosses) and the state government; to all the adherents to the Other Campaign throughout the country that are being harassed and repressed by the bad governments led by the PRI, PAN, PRD, PT, Green Ecologist, Convergencia, and PANAL parties.

SECOND: We call upon all adherents from the Other Mexico to demonstrate on March 14 of this year, the International Day Against Police Brutality, in the form that they consider most appropriate, against the repression that the bad governments practice against our communities.

THIRD: We propose:

Against police brutality: an Other Mexico.

From the Other Hidalgo.
For the Sixth Comission of the EZLN. For the State Coordinating Committee of the Other Hidalgo.

Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos.
México, March 2006.

CORRECTION: The International Day Against Police Brutality, and the national event in Mexico, will be on the 15th of March.

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