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Dark Alliance
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Viewing this disc

"DARK ALLIANCE" represents the San Jose Mercury News’ most ambitious attempt to date in using the World Wide Web to deliver a news story. In addition to the stories and photographs used in the print version of the series, published by the newspaper Aug. 18-20, 1996, the Web site reproduced on this CD-ROM provides a wealth of additional content to the reader—declassified government documents, audio and video files, an interactive map, more photos, links to related reports and stories, as well as interviews reporter Gary Webb obtained during his investigation.

This CD-ROM is designed to be viewed on any computer equipped with a standard CD-ROM drive and a World Wide Web browser. Simply insert the disc into the CD-ROM drive, launch your Web browser and use it to open the index.htm file. To be viewed at its best, we recommend that your browser be configured to play Macromedia Shockwave, QuickTime video and standard audio (.WAV and .AIFF) files. A live Internet connection is not required to view this CD-ROM, but is necessary to access the live off-site links.

NOTE: All off-site links included on this CD-ROM were valid as of Sept. 17, 1996.

Netscape Navigator Web browser

This CD-ROM includes a complete version of the Netscape Navigator 3.0 Web browser.

Copies of the browser client for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX are available in the Netscape directory. Click on the Netscape folder, then the Nav_3 folder, then again on the Mac, Unix or Win folder specific to your operating system. Simply double-click on the file and follow the on-screen instructions to load the version of the browser you wish to install.

In the Windows directory of Navigator 3.0, you will find two files for both the 16 and 32 bit architecture. The "p" at the end of these larger files indicate that this is a version of Navigator Plus. Navigator Plus contains all plug-ins, including QuickTime.

To be able to use the JavaScript drop-down menus included on some of these pages, you must be using a Netscape Navigator Web browser version 2.0 or above.

Multimedia plug-ins

To view the Shockwave multimedia files on this site, you'll need to visit Macromedia to download the latest version.

To view the QuickTime video files on this site, you'll need to visit Apple's software page to download the latest version for your Mac or Windows PC.

NOTE: A QuickTime video player is included in version 3.0 of the Netscape Navigator web browser included on this CD-ROM.

Most World Wide Web browsers include audio players for the .WAV and .AIFF files included on this CD-ROM. You must have a sound card and speakers to be able to listen to these files.

Known bugs

The shockwave file on the entry page to the shocked version of "Dark Alliance" may not play the video correctly on a Windows 95-equipped computer.

The shockwave file on the Timeline section may hang up at the conclusion of the series. To return to the story, press the "back" button on your Web browser.

CD-ROM credits

Among those who made the "Dark Alliance" CD-ROM possible are Mark Hull, Albert Poon and Kevin Woodward of Mercury Center; and Chris Knoblaugh, Bryan Monroe, Marilyn Ritchie, Fred Johnson, Glenn Tokunaga and Gary Webb of the San Jose Mercury News.

If you have an Internet connection, be sure to visit the "Dark Alliance" Web site to view the latest additions.


Reprints of this series are available. For a printed copy of this series, call the Mercury News' News Search at (408) 920-5999. Cost is $3.00 for the first copy and $2.50 for each additional copy.

You may call News Search and charge these costs to your credit card, or you may send a check payable to the San Jose Mercury News. Send your check along with your name and mailing address to News Search, 750 Ridder Park Drive, San Jose, CA 95190.

Printed copies are available free to educators and libraries. For information, call our Newspapers in Education Department at (408) 920-5535.



Netscape Navigator


Macromedia Shockwave

Apple's QuickTime

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