U.S. Department of Justice

Alan D. Bersin
United States Attorney
Southern District of California

San Diego County Office
Federal Office Building
880 Front Street, Room 6293
San Diego, California 92101-8893

February 15, 1996

All Counael

United States v. Leroy Brown, et al., Cue No. 95-0353-H

Re: Confidential Informant

Dear Counsel:

As the United States now confirrns, the confidential informant in this case is Oscar Danilo Blandon.

Mr. Blandon's criminal history is as follows:

Arrested 10/27/86 by the San Bernardino Sheriffs Department for violation of California

Health and Safety Code 11351 (Possession of Controlled Substance for Sale)

Arrested 12/09/91 by the El Segundo Police Department for violations of California Penal

Code 182 (Criminal Conspiracy) and Health and Safety Code 11370.6 (Possession of

Money from Sale of Controlled Substance)

Arrested 5/15/92 by the Drug Enforcement Administration for violations, inter alia, of

Title 21, United States Code, 846 (Conspiracy to Possess Cocaine with intent to

Distribute) and Title 18, U.S.C., 1956 (Money Laundering). Convicted by plea of guilty

to Conspiracy to Possess Cocaine with Intent to Distribute, Case No. 92-0552-B.

Mr. Blandon's "rap sheet" is attached hereto.

In addition to the above arrests and conviction, the United States will elicit testimony at trial

that, before his arrest in May, 1992, Mr. Blandon was for many years a large-scale cocaine


Mr. Blandon has received benefits from the United States for his cooperation. Please be

advised that most of these benefits are not related to this case. The United States sets

forth below the benefits received by Mr. Blandon - those related to thia case are so noted.

On December 20, 1993, Mr. Blandon was sentenced pursuant to his plea of guilty in Case No.

92-0552-B, referenced above. United States Probation recommended a sentence of life

imprisonment and a $4,000,000 fine. On December 17, 1993, the United States filed a Motion

for Downward Departure from Sentencing Guidelines Pursuant to Guideline 5K1.1; Mr.

Blandon was sentenced to incarceration for 48 months with no fine.

On September 19, 1994, the United States filed a Motion for Reduction of Sentence Pursuant

to Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 35(b); Mr. Blandon's sentence was reduced to 28

1/2 months' incarceration.

In addition, the United States has not gone forward with deportation proceedings against Mr.

Blandon, and he therefore retains the permanent resident status that he had before his May,

1992, arrest

All of the above benefits were obtained by Mr. Blandon prior to the commencement of, and are

not, therefore, attributable to, the present case.

Mr. Blandon has also received financial consideration after his release from prison, as set forth

in the attached sheet. Please note that the only sums provided to Mr. Blandon as a result of

his cooperation in this case are:

2-24-95 - $500 - Information and Expenses

3-16-95 - $2,000 - Information and Expenses

3-15-95 - $1,000 - Information and Expenses

4-4-95 - $2,000 - Information and Expenses

5-22-05 - $40,000 - Reward

All other sums are for other, unrelated, matters.

Also provided with this letter are eight (8) pages containing Mr. Blandon's handwritten notes

concerning this case, and those telephone tolls of Wolfriver Holding Corp and Mary Young that

are in the possession of the Government. Telephone tolls of Mr. Blandon's telephone will not

be released in unredacted form, and have not yet been redacted - please be informed that the

earliest telephone calls as yet found to telephones associated with Mr. Ross are two calls on

October 24, 1994 (2 minutes at 9:26 p.m. and 4 minutes at 9:33 p.m.), to (310) 763-0207.

Redacted telephone tolls will be provided as they become available, but I note that they do not

appear to have any Brady implications.

I also note that the United States has as yet received no reciprocal discovery.

If you have any questions, please call me on or aftar Monday, February 26, 1996. I will be out

of the district from February 19 through 23, 1996. If you have any emergency message during

that time, please call my co-worker, Carole Norton, at (619) 557-7084, and she will see that I

get your message.

Very truly yours,


United States Attorney


Assistant U. S. Attorney