The Narco News Bulletin
Name of Our Country is América"
Simón Bolívar
September 8, 2000
visits since April 18, 2000
Dieterich reports...
Press Briefing is Now Underway with guest commentator Hugo Chávez
Pulitzer Committee:
Drug Prohibition is "imposed
by the US"
on other countries
"In Colombia, President
Clinton observed "This is not Vietnam." Of course it
isn't. If it was Vietnam he'd have been nowhere near the place.
What Clinton really meant was "The war on drugs is not the
Vietnam War." Which makes no sense since Vietnam was the
original war on drugs -- everybody was on drugs over there....
and George W. Bush was born with a silver spoon -- in his nose."
by Narco News: Bookmark It!
Press Briefing from El Salvador, Brazil, Colombia and More...
The Folly
of Reporting Based on "Official Sources"
We've Caught them
Lying Again
Freedom of the Press
Under Fire:
It's only a crime
to shoot at journalists if they result killed or wounded, say
Authorities say
they "forgot" about the bag of cocaine in possession
of the gunmen before releasing them onto the streets
On the Mexico Front:

What does the
defeat of the PRI mean for the Peace Process and the Narco Trade?
More Plan Colombia
Despite last week's claim
by General Barry McCaffrey that "We are not offering to
engage U.S. troops. It's not on the table. It's simply not going
to happen," somebody forgot to tell the troops not to write
home about it...
On August 22 we had posted
a Narco News Surprise Link to:

On August 27th the Authorities
REMOVED the incriminating information!
The Camp Lejeune Web
Page Now Says:
"The page
cannot be found
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its
name changed, or is temporarily unavailable."
Narco News, having anticipated
this move by the US Marines and General McCaffrey, SAVED
A COPY of the incriminating text:
Click Here
for the Truth that Washington is hiding from the People
for Washington: Peace Talks Among Journalists!

Your US Tax Dollars at Work: Plan
Colombia's first Acteal
Isolated on Plan Colombia:
have no intention of participating in any common international
"We have
ethical and political difficulties receiving aid from this program."
on the heels of the July 26th bombshell:
Freezes Plan Colombia
European Nations
Put Financial Aid on Ice until 2001...
Narco News
August 2000 Story-of-the-month explains the details:
The Narco News
Interview with exiled Colombian Journalist Alfredo Molano in
The LA Times reported on Sunday, August 6
that 83 US "military advisors" have just entered Colombia...
New Poll
(8/6) from El
newspaper in Colombia:
71 %
of Colombians disapprove of President Andrés Pastrana
Earth to President

"There is no question that Colombia suffers from the
problems of a state yet to consolidate its power: a lack of confidence
in the capacity of the armed forces, the police, and the judicial
system to guarantee order and security; a credibility crisis
at different levels and in different agencies of government;
and corrupt practices in the public and the private sectors.
All this has been fed and aggravated by the enormous destabilizing
effects of drug trafficking, which, with vast economic resources,
has constantly generated indiscriminate violence while undermining
our values,
on a scale
comparable only to the era of Prohibition in the United States."
Italics Added
for Emphasis
Plan: End Prohibition
There were pioneers
of this idea...
Hollywood Distorts the
History of the Father of Narco News

Runs But Also Hides!
on the Democrats' side of the drug war farce...
Meanwhile, in these
present times...

for voters who thought George W. Bush was the only drug-corrupted
prohibitionist running for president...

The Philadelphia
City Paper Reports:
From Part
II of the City
Paper story:
Read Part I...
Agents Found Out Too Much about a Politically Powerful Drug Trafficking
Ring and Washington Shut Down the Investigation.
This impeccably
documented work of investigative journalism confirms key points
of the May
2000 Narco News Story of the Month by Michael C. Ruppert.
Narco News....
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Global Resistance
to Globalized Injustice