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The Narco News Bulletin

"The Name of Our Country is América"

-- Simón Bolívar


October 23, 2000

Gary Webb Speaks


A friend emailed me your latest piece on Peter McFarren and the APME's
non-response to your perfectly legitimate questions. I was amused to see my
contretemps with Jerry Ceppos cited in your article.

One minor correction: though I'm sure I spend enough time in the library to
qualify as one, I am not actually a librarian. I do research for the
California Assembly and am still doing investigative journalism as a

It may either depress or delight you to know, if you don't already, that the
Society for Professional Journalists gave Ceppos its first Ethics In
Journalism award for his "clarification" of my series. That should give you a
good idea of the prevailing definition of ethics in the upper reaches of
American journalism, and perhaps may explain why he sees so little to get
excited about with McFarren.

Great story. Keep on keeping on.

Gary Webb

Publisher Responds:

Gary: It's an honor to hear from you. That the mercenary "parajournalists" continue to feel it necessary to attack your 1996 Dark Alliance reports on official US involvement in cocaine trafficking is testimony to the continuing power of your work. Most recently, the PBS Frontline series on the drug war misfired against you again: an inadvertent admission that what then-editor of the San José Mercury News Jerry Ceppos and others did to you beforehand was not sufficient to erase the basic facts of your story. Your reporting gave birth to The Story That Will Not Go Away. And you know more than anyone how hard they have tried to wash the truth like so many narco-dollars in the US banks that hold the mortgages on major media outlets.

History will remember Gary Webb as the Authentic Journalist who blew the whistle on the hypocritical drug war and was persecuted unjustly for it. History will remember your attackers as the roustabout linebacking wound-up mechanical clones of the deteriorating reign of false journalism who comforted and comfortable as they afflicted the afflicted. What Jerry Ceppos and his ilk do is not journalism, not by a longshot. The public understands that already.

We at The Narco News Bulletin are glad to hear from you and are pleased that you are still reporting. We offer our pages to you and your fine work anytime you wish to publish here.

From somewhere in a country called América,

un fuerte abrazo,

Al Giordano


The Narco News Bulletin

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